3 bands to play PP IV

Originally posted by Wishmaster
I have to put in a vote for at least one female fronted band. I'd prefer Nightwish, but that'll have to wait until ProgPower V, at least, since they're taking a year off. Of course, I'd be happy with Within Temptation, Sinergy, After Forever, or any of the others.


I think Sinergy would be a great opener..or do well in the first hour slot.

If I can't see Nightwish, Sinergy is my choice for a female fronted band.
hmmm can't pick just 3... I'm still stoked I got to see Silent Force and they topped my lists for these replies before PP3...

The problem is there's so many I'd like to see now that I gota "taste" ... PP3 was my first visit for these shows. I'm addicted, what can I say?

I'd love to see NEVERMORE.. every time I've tried to see Warrel Dane sing (since Sanctuary) something has prevented me from seeing the show. I figure if I gotta drive all the way to Atlanta, chances are good (aside if they cancel or something).

Iced Earth - I've only seen play a couple songs... my band back in 1991 used to rehearse at the same studio they did.. we booked the room to follow them and they played "the Path" and some choice others for us before they tore down for the night - V E R Y cool.. and it was funny seeing the look on Jon's face when I mentioned it..

Helloween, never seen them.. last time I think they came through town was on the Headbanger's Ball tour with Anthrax & Exodus and I missed it... Besides THE DARK RIDE is one of my all time favorite albums now.. it's just incredible.

there's my 3.. there's others I'd like too..

Dream Evil
Lacuna Coil
Seven Witches
Primal Fear
Secret Sphere
Sonata Arctica
Guardians of Time

the list goes on and on
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
Ugh. You couldn't pay me enough to see that line-up.

Good. Then you stay over there and go to the Skeller. You can always catch Queen Bee and mope around about the shows in State. Maybe Kittie is at the Crowbar again? Typical of the University Park attendee.
Originally posted by YtseJammer
I think Sinergy would be a great opener..or do well in the first hour slot.

If I can't see Nightwish, Sinergy is my choice for a female fronted band.

Yeah, I think Sinergy would be a good 2nd slot band. There are a bunch of smaller acts that can fill the opening slots. Of course, Nightwish would have to go in a 4th or 5th slot (depending on who else is playing), but the others I mentioned would best fit down with Sinergy.

All in all, I don't care what slot they play, as long as there is a good female fronted band sometime soon. :)

But I know they would be a good draw, so I can deal with that. I am hoping that the next event is more equalled out with Prog and Power. Nightwish would be huge for this event, hopefully they wont be on their break by then, but I think they will be. I am really thinking Pagans Mind would be a great band for this show, they are seemingly trying to give some higher bands a run for the money with the latest relase Celestrial Entance. There are so many bands though, I am sure Glenn is going to be having to turn some bands away, I already can't wait :headbang:

At-Vance would be an excellent choice for a band that hasn't received the exposure of bands like Rhapsody.

"Only Human" is my top disc of the year. Excellent melodic power metal.

I'll agree with y'all on Pagan's Mind. I've been listening to their new disc at least once a day for a while now. It has one of the best mixes of my favorite elements of prog metal. I really hope these guys do well.

Nightwish will have two last shows for their "Century Child" -World Tour in Germany: 11.01.2003 in Oberhausen (König-Pilsener-Arena) and 12.01.2003 in Munich (Colosseum). After these shows the next possible shows will be festival shows in summer / autumn 2003.

I posted this in a different thread but I think it got overlooked....Progpower is a "festival show in the autumn of 2003"! I can hope? please....
Originally posted by Creeps
how was PP3 more power than prog?

Gamma Ray
Blind Guardian
Silent Force

those were the 5 power metal acts...
that leaves 5 prog metal...
looks kinda even to me.

But, I have been known to be wrong before.

Well Zero Hour is a technical metal band, and Devin is in a genre of his own as far as I can tell. That only leaves 3 prog metal bands. However, as a Power metal fan, I'm not complaining.

by Glenn's definition Devin was prog, I tend to agree, although he doesn't sound like what most people think "prog" should be... like Dream Theatre. Technical/Prog is a thin line I think. Most of those bands that are considered prog on this forum sound pretty damn technical to me (ie; Spiral Architecht).

I'm a huge Power Metal fan myself, and I think Glenn did a HELL of a job with his lineup for PP3. I wasn't able to make PP2, but I really wanted to. The guy does good things :) I think he keeps it pretty even, as much as he can. And judging by the outpouring of praise from this year's lineup, and all the power metal fans, I think a 5/5 split is a good thing.