3 Inches Of Blood Anyone?


Apr 18, 2008
Anyone here like 3 Inches Of Blood? I know I do. If you are a fan though, head on over to their new fan club, the The Goatriders Horde. The Goatriders Horde offers 3IOB fans the chance to directly connect with the band! When you become a Goatrider, you will receive an exclusive Goatriders Horde t-shirt, an official Goatriders laminate, a poster autographed by the band, as well as access to exclusive content including music, videos and photos, privileges to attend special Goatriders-only events plus access to the members-only community message board. Most importantly, as a Goatrider you will be the first to hear about tour dates, ticket presales and band news.

go to http://goatridershorde.com/3iob.html to join!

Let's talk about 'em? Anyone like Fire Up The Blades?
Advance and Vanquish is great; but Fire Up The Blades sucked balls, aside from a couple songs.
I like them. But "Goatrider's horde"...I'll just say that GFAD might want to look into that.

People need to accept that the music is meant to be retro and the lyrics are meant to be over-the-top and goofy. If you don't like that, don't like it, but don't hate them for it...
Revenge Is A Vulture is hilarious/amazing.