3 Inches of Blood

At least. :lol:

Hey, a National opening slot is a good slot either way. I'd welcome the opportunity to rape the ears of a whole herd of Atreyu cunts. Actually I'd be happy to have a chance to connect my boot with one of the lil' bastards' foreheads, but that's neither here nor there. :D
PaulRawNerve said:
so you would rather listen to Disturbed than Atreyu!?!?
now SURELY that band are worse!!

Disturbed may be feces, but at least they're catchier than Atreyu. So no, Atreyu's faggothcore is worse than mallcore.
The Grimace said:
Honestly, yes. I may not love most of Disturbed's songs (I like that song 'Liberate' alot, great lyrics) but I hate the entire faggot ass package of Atreyu. Everything is wrong with that fucking band.

I don't own the album yet but I downloaded some of their songs awhile back and I enjoyed them alot. I heard a range of influence in there from King Diamond and Judas Priest to Helloween and Raven. It's just awesome fun metal, who needs to always be serious? Unfortunately I did not get to see them live yet. They played three shows with Metal Church in my area and for all three shows you had to be 21 or over to get in and I am only 19. Then I was all set to go see them with Satyricon but the whole rape thing in Canada happened and they did not make it to New York City. I am sure they will be on another tour soon enough.
listened to a few clips on the 3 inches site, they had moments of brilliance and moments of absurdity. not sure what i think yet. what the hell would you classify them as anyway?