3 new mp3 bootlegs


Dec 23, 2003
3 new concert bootlegs were released this past week


first 2 are of good quality, greece aint so good
videos to be released too :)

does someone have a nice webhost so we can share these up :)

What do you mean "released this past week"? At least Zarok has those all (the videos too), tho' I'm not so sure how long he's had the newer ones. And even I have had the Greece bootleg for ages. And it ain't even "new", it's from 2000, dude!
they were released to the mp3 scene
if the traders have had it longer who teh fuck cares
selfish assholes never spread shit for the sake or sharing anyhow

anyhow first time ive heard janne play that rock intro thing again other than on the tokyo warhearts :)
Ok, as soon as any of you guys get ahold of these, or have a way of distributing these, send me a PM or get ahold of me with my AIM, ICQ, or MSN name...

I don't have any hosting capability, but you might be able to torrent them up for awhile. I know I'd help seed.
Did any of you guys ever thought that...

A) Bootlegs are illegal
B) Maybe the band doesn't want the bootlegs to spread
C) Maybe the band doesn't want a fuckface to sell the bootlegs on eBay (Seoul and Milwaukee are there all the fucking time and there's always someone stupid enough to bid on them)
i think bootlegs of an upcoming coming band is a great way for publicity
what is the crime with sharing mp3s with fellow bodom fans..

id be willing to be most people who are on this board have bought several cds and paid for show tix etc.. word of mouth is the best way to get a band popular (mtv pissers dont count!)
^ I'm not questioning the people on this messageboard, but there are 'bad' people out there (eg. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3396503504&category=617 )

I personally don't think that bootlegs are a good way to gain publicity and new fans. After all, in most bootlegs the quality is bad and they might not give the best possible first impression of the band. I see them more like goodies for the fans.. I don't think many people would even bother downloading bootlegs of a band they don't know (at least I wouldn't) instead of checking out some of their studio material / official live stuff.
I think it all depends with the band in question myself. With a band like COB, they dont have a DVD out, so therefore I think its fair for Video bootlegs to exist and be available, becuase people who wish to see them. But can't get to a gig have no other way to see them at this present time.

I totally agree with Shadeg about these bastards who try sell them. As it ruins it for the thousands of others who just wish to share and watch the gigs.

In many ways though I believe COB could have released the Live in Seoul themselfs as the quality is pretty good, and perform very well.
Shadeg said:
Did any of you guys ever thought that...

A) Bootlegs are illegal
B) Maybe the band doesn't want the bootlegs to spread
C) Maybe the band doesn't want a fuckface to sell the bootlegs on eBay (Seoul and Milwaukee are there all the fucking time and there's always someone stupid enough to bid on them)

A) I bet you download mp3s from albums. That is illegal as well. This is less damaging though, as these recordings can not be purchased, therefore the band technically loses zero revenue from the distribution of boots.

B) Eh....:p

C) Can't let a few bad apples ruin it for the whole lot, can we?

Let 'er rip!
Owning all the albums, then downloading a bootleg, you think that's illegal? Why? You're listening to Live Versions, of the songs you paid for. If you think that's wrong, hell go see Cob live, I saw them live, i paid 24.50 just to see cob, not hypocrisy, certainly not dimmu borgir, and not nevermore, COB, then them playing a half hour set, hmm, great....took borgir that long to fucking setup, that should be illegal.
alphacorvus said:
A) I bet you download mp3s from albums. That is illegal as well.
Actually, at least in Finland, downloading isn't illegal, but sharing the files is. So, if you use KaZaa to download stuff, but you're not sharing anything through it, it ain't illegal in here.

Just to clear up something, I wasn't actually attacking you guys sharing the three bootlegs but discussing the matter of "releasing bootlegs to the mp3 scene".

Creeping Death said:
Owning all the albums, then downloading a bootleg, you think that's illegal? Why?
I think it shouldn't be illegal, but I don't make the laws, now do I? Recently eg. ~MarttiPrkl from this forum got an e-mail from the copyright company telling to take his trade site down and a guy from Tampere was sentenced to pay 16,000 euros.

See, I'm not the police here, I'm just stating unfortunate facts.

x anthony x said:
hey dumbass, the bodom guys sighn bootlegs and collect themselves. Theres no big deal...chill the fuck out
-> The band wants everyone to be able to download 20+ video shows and that the bootlegs are suddenly legalized ?

Think again.

alphacorvus said:
A) I bet you download mp3s from albums. That is illegal as well. This is less damaging though, as these recordings can not be purchased, therefore the band technically loses zero revenue from the distribution of boots.
Less damaging, yes. Nevertheless damaging, yes. Read an interview or two and read what, let's say Alexi, thinks about MP3 downloading of albums. I think his opinion wouldn't differ much from bootleg downloading. Not that it's relevant or anything, but I myself never download full albums from the net. I download 1 or 2 sample songs to check if they are worth buying.

alphacorvus said:
C) Can't let a few bad apples ruin it for the whole lot, can we?
Maybe, maybe not. I don't think it's for us to decide anyway. (Wonder why bands never release bootlegs themselves?)

I wasn't telling what's the right thing to do and what isn't, I was just presenting another point of view that should be considered.

BodomiC said:
shadeg is a trader

BodomiC said:
he just cant stand the fact that someone is giving boots for free while he could trade them for something, simple
No. This isn't the case here. I'm only questioning the morality of releasing bootlegs available for everyone. When it comes to trading, I trade only with a few people who have a lot of bootlegs and who get them often very soon after they are recorded, so it really doesn't bother me that much.