some of you peeps got pm's 
fuck the traders
buncha hypocritical fucks theyre the ones recording, distributing, paying for shit
then the second it becomes free and their barganing chips are worthless they start crying
as to teh mp3 dling issue.. give it a rest
if not for mp3s i would have never found children of bodom
i would have never found the viking metal scene
i would never have bought every studio album
i would never had paid for cobs first tour last year
i would never converted 10 friends to cob
and 5 of those friends never would have bought tickets to the april shows.

fuck the traders
buncha hypocritical fucks theyre the ones recording, distributing, paying for shit
then the second it becomes free and their barganing chips are worthless they start crying
as to teh mp3 dling issue.. give it a rest
if not for mp3s i would have never found children of bodom
i would have never found the viking metal scene
i would never have bought every studio album
i would never had paid for cobs first tour last year
i would never converted 10 friends to cob
and 5 of those friends never would have bought tickets to the april shows.