3 new mp3 bootlegs

some of you peeps got pm's :)
fuck the traders

buncha hypocritical fucks theyre the ones recording, distributing, paying for shit
then the second it becomes free and their barganing chips are worthless they start crying

as to teh mp3 dling issue.. give it a rest
if not for mp3s i would have never found children of bodom
i would have never found the viking metal scene
i would never have bought every studio album
i would never had paid for cobs first tour last year
i would never converted 10 friends to cob
and 5 of those friends never would have bought tickets to the april shows.
If it weren't for file sharing, I wouldn't have found CoB either..

I use DC++ and have lots of metal albums on mp3. If I like it, I buy it.. if I don't like it, I delete it.. that simple. Of course i'm honest about the whole thing!! There are some people who don't support the artists and just burn the mp3s to CDs.. peace.
Lemming said:
some of you peeps got pm's :)
fuck the traders

buncha hypocritical fucks theyre the ones recording, distributing, paying for shit
then the second it becomes free and their barganing chips are worthless they start crying

as to teh mp3 dling issue.. give it a rest
if not for mp3s i would have never found children of bodom
i would have never found the viking metal scene
i would never have bought every studio album
i would never had paid for cobs first tour last year
i would never converted 10 friends to cob
and 5 of those friends never would have bought tickets to the april shows.
a-fuckin-men bro!
If the band allows it, and signs the bootlegs without a negative remark, then it is all good. If profit is being made, such as the people selling bootlegs at Metalfests, then they should be kicked around a little bit. Bootlegs should be a free opportunity to check out a band's live performance eaither online or featured on bands DVD's or multimedia packages. That’s just my opinion as a musician. Regulations are a whole different story, cant stop all the bootleggers but a security guard at the shows will help.
Lemming said:
some of you peeps got pm's :)
fuck the traders

buncha hypocritical fucks theyre the ones recording, distributing, paying for shit
then the second it becomes free and their barganing chips are worthless they start crying

as to teh mp3 dling issue.. give it a rest
if not for mp3s i would have never found children of bodom
i would have never found the viking metal scene
i would never have bought every studio album
i would never had paid for cobs first tour last year
i would never converted 10 friends to cob
and 5 of those friends never would have bought tickets to the april shows.

You're right ^^!
It's time to release a fuckin' live DVD:kickass. Why waiting so damn long??
Every pro-band have some live DVD's in these days, common :p

Nothing beats the 'real thing' if it comes to sound(/picture) quality; MP3 Sucks Ass.
Real music fans hear the difference.

The Guys should really hurry up now with all those people (including me!) digging all those CRAPPY bootlegs:)
They actually stopped playing T,L&S live before it was officially released because of the fact that it got bootlegged and distributed through the internet
I can understand that decision. Janne had to see on the band's own messageboard that people were talking about how to get a bootleg of the new song. The consequence of that is that COB won't ever play again an unreleased song live. That's sad because they really liked to do that since 1998.

I feel sorry for all the tens of thousands of people who were expecting to hear TL&S at Wacken and other summer festivals.
I think traders are extremely justifed in not sharing their stuff.

They have traded fair and square for it, it may be illegal, but so fuck, leave them be.
Heavenscent said:
They actually stopped playing T,L&S live before it was officially released because of the fact that it got bootlegged and distributed through the internet
well they shouldn't have played it on finland radio either if they are really that bothered, i know loads of people who recorded it off the radio, loads better than any bootleg, in my opinion anyway, i aint heard many bootlegs, and those i have heard are shite, and nothing like the actual real live sound

and its easy to get stuff weeks before it hits retail, the dj who does rock night down the pub has the new cradle of filth album already and i believe T,L&S cd rip has been out on the warez scene for like over a month and a half nearly
-Gavin- said:
I think traders are extremely justifed in not sharing their stuff.

They have traded fair and square for it, it may be illegal, but so fuck, leave them be.

Fuck I actually agree with Gavin !!
People don't like trading because they have to get up their fat ass, burn a few discs, walk to the post office wait in line, pay money for shippiong.

While it's so easy to sit at your machine point and click your mouse and d/l.

Plus a lot of traders have ulra rare stuff that no one else outside the band and label has, <cough>Tokyo Warhearts,Wacken 98<cough>