3 songs/1 solo by Felix Neumann


Jun 29, 2005
Esslingen, Germany
Hey guys,

I just started writing a few songs 2 months ago and recorded 3 of them.
You can listen to them at www.myspace.com/cosmotheism
The songs "Cosmotheism" and "reversed evolution" will be remixed and mastered.
I wanted to record those songs and make 'em "listenable".

Guitars were my Charvel Model A (active Seymour Duncans) into the Revalver 3 Demo and Wagner Sharp (with "modified" Harley Benton impulses-used Curve EQ on them).
Bass was my Music Man Sub 4 string into Ampeg SVX and one track through the JCM900 plugin (only for some hi-end grit).
Drums were Addictive Drums-really diggin this prog, bought it a few weeks ago.
Vocals were a studio projects condesner mic into a cheap Art MP preamp, then into my soundcard-I know, they suck, it's really hard for me to record my own vocals.

Mastering was just Endorphin comp, some slight EQ Adjustments and Event Horizon+

Felix played the solo in the song "The Abyss"-I think it suits the song very well-I am really thankful that he did it-I really suck at soli.
turn down the OHs a bit, they sound a bit agressive even through myspace highpassing. Kindof hard to make any judgements from myspace though, use soundclick or just upload a WAV to filesend or similar