3 weeks!

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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no smokes!


I don't even think about it anymore, except for rare moments. this has definitley been the easiest quiiting attempt and I think it's going to work this time. smoking is dumb.
yeah drinking has been off limits. and I don't seem to want to do that anymore, either!

actually the sunday before mlk day I got wrecked and had one drag of a cigarette.
as I've said before, drink lots of water - I found it to help A LOT. I also tried brushing my teeth every time I wanted to smoke for a few weeks and it helped too.
Awesome Josh! I've been clean for about 5 days, myself, and I've gotta say I was expecting way worse. I passed the "waiting around with nothing else to do but smoke to kill time" test and the "going out to a bar in Quebec where everybody still smokes" test.
I gotta say, though, that hooking up with a girl who's fit as a horse is quite a big incentive for stayin' off the Louisiana Leaf...