i miss how i used to chainsmoke all the time

alex is being so scandalous on the internet lately i'm not sure what to make of it.

anyway, (1) i woke up from 20 minutes of sleep last night (in total) having had a dream that my friend k. was punching me for catching me smoking in the bathroom at work! (2) i'm going to ride my dirtbike this weekend even though i'm not supposed to because i'm a little weak in the head okay?
(2)Great, I actually rode my bike back in the day with a cast on my right leg and the crutches strapped to the side of the bike so I can understand exactly what you are doing.

Alex is a dirtbag on the internet. I can't judge elsewhere
gimme a break alex, i'm going to take a bonanza from the middle of the woods to a show and find a bus back that night??? hahah!
Yo dawg that would be so def!!

But I saw footage of the mile-long waiting lines at the border and that sorta gets me down... But it'd definitely be worth it! And we could finish smokin' all the weed while we're waiting in line!!
The problem is coming back to Canada, not going to the US. Besides, I know a few more discreet borders so that we don't have to wait that long...

And their zeal strike might be finished by then..