i miss how i used to chainsmoke all the time

bikes are awesome. they have seriously made me sooo much more willing to go out to areas kinda close to my house that would nevertheless take like 30 minutes to do all the T shit to get to.
i get up at 4:30 or 5 most days and work out for about an hour and a half.
well, that was before i hurt my neck =[
now i only am allowed to work out ofr 30 minutes a day and slowly turn into a fatty.

also: i love my bmx bike. azal get a bike! they are awesome.
I have rollerblades, but the roads are too shitty and hilly in the suburbs of belgrade, and there are too many people to deal with in the city.

As soon as I find a new apartment, my next goal will be to buy a bike.

And then re-learning how to ride one.

Also, I'm so out of shape that after every show I play, I'm sore for the next three days. :-/
Football, we are in camp now. Two practices every other day and on the days we only practice once, we get in a full body workout, complete with dynamic warmup coupled with plyometrics and rounded out with a grip strength, shoulder stability, and ab circuit. Considering the frequency with which I get blown up (tattooed, wrecked, destroyed, any word you would use to describe what just happened to the guy on the receiving end of a so-called "highlight hit") as 170 pound walk-on wideout from North Jersey, the fact that I finish most workouts is an accomplishment all on its own.
That punishment is mostly in response to the flaunting of your large vocabulary in the huddle.

I reccomend you use the abridged version whilst in the locker and on the field.

also, curse a alot.

and yell BEER whenever possible.
Bikes rule, as do bows (other thread?). I've been fantasizing for a while now about ridin' my bike in downtown Ottawa with a bow slung over my shoulder, peggin' evildoers as I spot'em...
A roundabout in paris is like a death sentence, five lanes wide with everybody cutting in front of everybody. Not too mention scooters, hell yeah. I am going to rent a motorcycle the next time I am in Paris, should be interesting.