i miss how i used to chainsmoke all the time

I think it took me two full years to get over that whole "what do I do now with my free time" thing that I usually filled with smoking. I still feel the urge and definitely miss the late night coffee + cigarette sessions, but whenever I see someone smoking nowadays it totally disgusts me. I can't help it.
i got a breathing test before i quit smoking. i'd been smoking 1 pack a day to two packs a day for over ten years. i was 25 i think? anyway i had the lung capacity of a 15 year old non smoker and the doctor was all pissed i didn't have scars and damage.

i guess it's the diet and exercise thing.
my dad's also been smoking since vietnam and he's what.... 57 now? anyway his lung capacity gets tested every year b/c of his nerve disease and he has 20 year old lungs!
i never did. in fact 2 years AFTER i quit i started wheezing from allergies. wtb.
my dad and i go hiking for days and never get winded. you're all wussy.