300 - The Movie

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.

This is in a different language, but the preview isn't. Probably my favorite historical story too, The Battle of Thermopylae!!!! :kickass:

Supposedly, it's based on the Graphic Novel - 300.
yeah, saw the preview when I saw The Departed the other night. Looks intense. I'll see it just for the graphics/cinematography/shitz. I think it comes out next March maybe
what are you talking about Dawn of the Dead? Man, that guy is awesome! But anyway, I don't think it's the same guy
I have the graphic novel -- it's a large hardback. Of course, anything from FRANK FUCKEN MILLER is going to rule, and they're taking the Sin City concept one step further with 300.

Total ruleage, cannot wait, let the creaming of pants begin.
That could quite possibly turn out to be very cool indeed. I reckon there will be a lot of "honour, valour, pride" which is always a good thing

(Which reminds me; Holy Martyr slays. Thanks for the reco mr Doom, I'm only a year or so late)
@ dill: yeah, that one. What's wrong with him? That movie rules. The original is great because it's so bad. Snyder's remake is actually a cool horror movie with great fx