.38mm plectrums..good enough for napalm death...


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2009
i know this sounds weird but i saw napalm death back in 1990 and managed to get a pick from jesse p. it was a .38mm jim dunlop nylon. anyone else got some that doesnt make sense stories.
thin plecs sound so much better!
yeah, people always discuss about
different guitars pickups etc. bu i never
see discussions about plecs. i have about 100
different picks here and every of them makes
the guitar sound different!

oh and yeah, yesterday i ate too much chilli and now i'm scared to take a dump...
I Just Switched to These from Dunlop:

Steve Clayton Heavy Celluloid.

Amazing what an endorsement will do :p

Before this I was using Green Tortex .88's for 15+ years
Dunlop Pitch Black Jazz and the Jazz Max-Grip. Thin picks have a thin sound.
i just don't understand how anyone can play with picks thinner than let's say .88mm.
i used to use dunlop 2mm picks (and still love them for shreddy stuff), but nowadays it's either 1,5mm or 1mm dunlop tortex sharp picks....can sound a bit scratchy for leads, but the rhythms just sound massive. so much attack, great definition.

but then again, a friend of mine plays the 0.73mm nylon stuff...and i just don't get how he manages to get those schaffer-esque "triplets" to sound tight. the pick has barely any resistance...not suited to my style at all i guess XD
I love the rebound of the 1.14 Ultex Sharp. Its actually a little too sharp to begin with, but a few mins of mindless shred makes it perfect.
got this as a present last month. seems the material adds some kind of scratch which sounds very cool for all kinds of leads.
