Napalm Death/At The Gates - Cursed To Tour


Cod Metal King
Feb 7, 2003
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I bought Napalm Death's Diatribes at a local record shop, and I noticed that it was a 2 CD set. The second CD was their split with At The Gates Titled "Cursed To Tour". I looked on the internet and I could find very little information about it, like why some Diatribes CDs have this CD along with it. The tracks are as follows:

Napalm Death
1. Cursed To Crawl
2. Take The Strain
3. Food Chain
4. Politics Of Common Sense

At The Gates
5. Slaughter Of The Soul
6. World Of Lies
7. Legion
8. The Dying

At the bottom of the cd it just says:

For Promotional Use Only
© & (p) 1996

Does anyone know anything about this?
yea, there were 2 of them there so im thinking of going back and buying another one and sell it on E-Bay.

The strange thing is that it was only $7.
I think this was handed out/sold for cheap on a Napalm Death/At the Gates tour back in '96 or something. It is the original source of "Legion" and "The Dying" which are now available as bonus tracks on the reissued "Slaughter of the Soul."

BTW, if anyone wants "Diatribes", I have a mint condition promo edition in jewelcase here for cheap. I don't like it at all.
Erik said:
I think this was handed out/sold for cheap on a Napalm Death/At the Gates tour back in '96 or something.
How much would you say the Diatribes/Cursed to Tour 2CD would be worth?
I've no idea, I'd say not that much. Especially not now that the AtG tracks have been re-released...

Looking around on eBay now, it seems there are at least 3 different 2-CD versions of Diatribes -- one with "Cursed to Tour", one with studio outtakes on the 2nd disc, and one with a 20-track live set on the 2nd disc. Apart from that there is the regular CD version, the promo version I have and the vinyl version which is on 2 10" discs. Heh, they sure do their best to confuse people and/or milk money out of collectors...

Anyway, regular versions of Diatribes go for under $1 so basically I'd say even the special edition is not really the world's most prized possession...