4, 8, 16 ohm sound difference?


New Metal Member
Jun 26, 2012
is there really a sound difference in these 3? because i found a good deal on a thd hotplate thats 4ohm and my 5150 and laney vh100r have switchable ohms. so if theres not really a difference then i may get this. im pretty much just going to be using it for recording direct into my interface and using redwirez irs.

and i know alot of people like to be smart asses, assholes, arrogant tools, etc; on this forum. so if you feel like thats going to be you just dont even bother responding.
and i know alot of people like to be smart asses, assholes, arrogant tools, etc; on this forum. so if you feel like thats going to be you just dont even bother responding.

I had every intention of helping you until I read this.
TheFuckingTHDManual said:
Q. Can I still use the Hot Plate if it has a different impedance than my amp?
A. ONLY if the impedance of the Hot Plate is EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN that of the amp. However, this will lessen the effectiveness of the Hot Plate’s tone controls.

I'd buy a higher impedance than 4 just to increase the usefulness with other amps and also to use it as an attenuator and not just a load box. I'd buy whatever matched my cab.
in theory they don't sound the same...
I have discovered that 16 is easier to control...the volume especially for bedroom...
the 8 and 4 tends to get loud easier...
it has to do with the transformers resistance I guess...
Generally, the lower the ohm, the more "oomph" it's going to have. More low end, thicker. That's just how speakers work. As far as how it affects the sound regarding the use for recording direct with impulses, I dunno.
aight cool i think i may just hold off and get the 16 ohm version then. thanks guys.

and i still stand by my statement, ive read so many peoples responses and had people respond to a couple of the things ive posted on here and they were just bein straight douchers.

also possibly someone needs to fix the search thing on here. ive typed in things about recording guitars just to get some new techniques and see how other people do it and everything else in the world popped up except recording guitars.
but on the up side, this is the first time people were actually nice and actually answered my question. so thanks guys!
I love how people have a problem with you not wanting a douchebag response. Because that's wrong of you? Lol... also notice how the people with the highest post counts/most time being a member are the ones that just helped, very interesting observation.

Anyway, future reference, there is this Sneap forum Google custom search thing you can use: http://www.google.com/cse/home?cx=007593470310830667409:4qw46y8lnza

The search on the forum here blows, use that one instead.
I love how people have a problem with you not wanting a douchebag response. Because that's wrong of you? Lol... also notice how the people with the highest post counts/most time being a member are the ones that just helped, very interesting observation.

Anyway, future reference, there is this Sneap forum Google custom search thing you can use: http://www.google.com/cse/home?cx=007593470310830667409:4qw46y8lnza

The search on the forum here blows, use that one instead.

YES! you nailed it right on the butt brotha lol. like the thing that made me put that was that there was some kid asking about slip editing and instead of just answering the pour kid people were pretty much attacking him. its just frustrating when they couldve just answered his question instead of giving him shit, which wouldve taken the exact same time if not less.

but anywho enough of that lol. thanks for the link ill start using that next time i try and look somthin up.

again thanks to everyone who helped!
oh this is off topic but 006 does SATX stand for san antonio texas or san angelo texas? im in san antonio tejas! lol.
Sorry cabt read the whole thread now ( annoying with the phone) if what i say has been said. I used to stick to 8 ohms with mesa gear but lately i purchased a marshall amo and cab and experimented with tgese and actually dound a nuce difference. Ubfirtunately i cant remember which one i ended up with and why haha so u remibded me ti check back. But definitely a difference. I think witg tge 5150 i stick with 8 tho. U guys use 4?
It's pretty simple.

16 is low. 4 is high.

If you want more body go 4. if you want more control go 16. If you want both go 8.