4 Maiden songs reviewed by Punter @ Donny.


I died at Paschendale
Sep 30, 2002
The land of many crows...
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Courtesy of Maniac 618 from the IM BB.

Sultoon won the fc competition and i went with him and others to the Iron Maiden press bus yesterday afternoon to hear the new maiden tracks from the actual album.

First off, i'd like to publically thank Laz & Sue for making it possible!

Right, down to my opinions on the new stuff.......


These are the tracks we heard:

1.Wildest Dreams (Smith / Harris) 3:53

You may have heard this live if you were at donny, the spain gigs or by mp3. This track is great, the verse is very nice and the chorus is also superb. Adrian's solo is absolutely excellent!
The bit just after the solo is played different on the album compared to live. Live Adrian plays a continuous slow tune, but on the album version he plays a few notes, there is a gap wiith just backing and then he comes in again for a few more long notes (bruce also does some nice mini singing bits over this too). The song has a kind of 80's feel to it, possibly SIT era but without the synths.

2.Rainmaker (Murray / Harris / Dickinson) 3:48


It has to be the 2nd single after Wildest Dreams!!!!!!!

I can't really discribe this track, it isn't really comparable to any other maiden track, but it gave me the most 'amazing' feelings while i listened. Its great all the way through and is the least repetative of the 4 tracks. It felt longer than 3:48.

3.No More Lies (Harris) 7:21

For me this was my least favourite, but for only one reason, and depending on how you look at it, its not a bad reason at all. It sounds A LOT like the clansman in places (accoustic bass i think) for the intro and certain parts. Its the clansman part 2 in my opinion with better bits and just nice bits. Its not entirely similar, but at times i was thinking "this is the clansman".

It also has a rather repetative chorus. Bruce repeats the title "No More Lies" with a powerful tone many times. For me that is the worst part of the song, the rest of it has some GREAT little tunes going on here and there.

The solo are taken in turn (like on so many maiden songs) straight one after the other.

4.Montsegur (Gers / Harris / Dickinson) 5:50

This track had a heavy riff which very much resembles the Fallen Angel's. This too me was the most progressive / experimental track of the 4. The verse has a kind of weird french kind of sound to it and isn't something i've heard maiden do before (the chord choice is weird). The chorus to this one is quite nice, i can't really remember it well, but the lyrics include (obviously) Montsegur, also the word 'citadel' and 'gate' i think.

Gers is instantly recognisable as playing the solo on this one (can't remember whether others take part).


As a conclusion i'd like to make these statements, based on what i've heard.....





Add to this, he clarified that the production was better by way of a 'clearer' guitar sound (meaning perhaps a less 'muddled' mix ala BNW).
The_Prisoner said:
It also has a rather repetative chorus. Bruce repeats the title "No More Lies" with a powerful tone many times. For me that is the worst part of the song,

Don't you think i'm a savior
Don't you think I could save you
Don't you think I could save your life


Glad to hear the production is better, sounds great from that review! :headbang: Clansman part 2 is fine by me! Even though its really Infinite Dreams part 3 because The Clansman intro was ripped off that :D
Goreripper said:
This is going to be the best Maiden album since "BNW".

I know I'm not the only person here who hopes Dance Of The Dead is a lot more than just that. It's kind of unfortunate, but my expectations are huge for this album.
I think they will deliver though Sydo :) While BNW wasnt as good as their old stuff, it had touches of brilliance and hopefully Steve and has pulled his head in a bit and written his songs a little more concisely :)
These comments about the 4 tracks by one of the other lucky people's who had a listen. Posted by "sultoon".

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Yesterday, i was at Donington with some mates and had an amazing time there. Brilliant show, Revelations went down incredibly, everyone was performing tightly, Adrian is back to his best, and Eddie is looking fantastic. However, i won't go into a detailed review cos there's plenty anyway. This is what i want to talk about...

I was one of the lucky names to get pulled out of a hat to hear four tracks off the new album and i heard them along with Maniac618, The Clairvoyant, Punk57 and two other fans yesterday at Donington.

They are the first four tracks off the new album:
1. Wildest Dreams (Smith/Harris) 3.53
2. Rainmaker (Murray/Harris/Dickinson) 3.48
3. No More Lies (Harris) 7.21
4. Montsegur (Gers/Harris/Dickinson) 5.50
and here are my initial thoughts on them.

1. Cracking opener, a lot of you will have heard this on tour so far. I think it reminds me of some of Adrian's work on S-i-T but can't put my finger on it. A great chorus;
"I'm on my way
I'm on my way again
I'm on my way
Out on the road again"
and an unbelievably quick and rhythmical solo from Adrian. It's quick, happy and catchy and likely to be a single.

2. Rainmaker was my favourite of the four. Absolutely brilliant guitars weaving in and out, this song totally grabs you. Both me and Maniac were just raving about it afterwards. Although it's short, it's got so much to it - really melodius, great vocals from Bruce, fantastic solos, very emotional. It reminded me of some of the guitar work on Deja Vu and definitely (to me) had a lot of Somewhere in Time about it, but with more depth. Incredible track, and would be a cracking single too.

3. No More Lies. This starts off quite similar to the Clansman but with a better intro (in my opinion). I think this is the track that Kevin Shirley referred to as "a classic maiden epic". It builds up slowly and has some good bits going on. It didn't make me think "Oh my god, an instant classic" but it will grow on you with time. There was some heavy drumming going on and a great solo by Janick (i think). To me, this was like a much better produced X-Factor/Virtual XI track with superior vocals.

4. Montsegur. This is what i think Kevin Shirley referred to as "today janick taught us a song that was about a particularly bloody period in French history" and boy is it complex. Lots of different things going on, a bit weird at first. The intro is very similar to the Fallen Angel, then there is a verse that changes time and swaps between Major and Minor chords with alarming frequency. The chorus is fantastic though. Absolutely inspired - all three guitars coming in and going out, cracking vocal over the top. Amazing chorus. AND there are a set of harmonies that sound brilliant at the end. Totally original work in my opinion and another one that will just grow and grow.

So, four songs and all pretty unique. My personal favourite is Rainmaker. I think Dave has finally created his masterpiece.

Up the fucking irons

And he adds:

Rainmaker is pretty quick and the guitar work is complex - i think all three guitars were used to their best effect, something that wasn't used to its fullest conclusion on BNW. It's uptempo but in an emotional way, kind of hard to explain. I think everyone who likes the SiT era will think this is a great track.

It's hard to judge on a first listen, but i would say the songs are more unique, have more things going on, and much more rounded guitar work than BNW. Bruce has probably got it right when he said that BNW was like a platform, kind of like a consolidation now that the group had reformed, and now this is just material of a much higher level.
Alot of people who have either heard Wildest Dreams at the gigs, or the 4 tracks, keep using SiT as a reference.

I'm sure the new album won't have guitar synths on it, but expectation wise, that's a BIG call. I mean, we're talking Somewhere In Time here people......

I'm not believing the hype, because I don't want to be dissapointed. But in other ways, once you've read comments like that, it's hard to forget.
Yes, this all sounds awesome. SIT is one of my fav Maiden albums, so I am happy about the comparisons. I also really like BNW, so if this album is leaps and bounds ahead of it like I think it will be, this will make one kick arse album! Pretty much everything about those reviews sounds great

Maiden!! :headbang: