:-( 4-year ann...

Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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This make's 4-years to date:-( That ANTHRAX has put out New Music( Ball OF Con.. Dont count cus.. JOey Is A flameing Homo..I Think We all should let the Band Know That we Are all Behind Them100% And that We are Proud To Be true Fans, To The Truest Metal Band That Ever has Troted this Earth.. I think I am Speaking 4-all of us when I say That you are the kings of Metal(Subjugator) And we all will be Standing In line Waiting for the doors to Open The day "We've Come For You All" is released..so I would Like For this part of the bored to be for all of you True fans To let the band know how much you aprecate<--couldent spell it if you gave me 604 times to do so....Them and How Much Anthrax means to you.....

David "The Not Man" Erickson:bah: :Shedevil: :flame: :muahaha: :hotjump: :OMG:
I have posted many times on how much Anthrax has meant to me, and Whenever I think back to the spring of '89 when I first heard Spreading, I swear to god that is one of the best summers ever. I must have listened to that record every day from start to finish. After that I bought Among the living, which was just as good and then I was hooked.