
pot is illegal. And all drug users should be locked up and beaten daily. But that is just my opinion. I hate this day. All day long I hear "420 dude! Do you know what that is!?" Then the debate over whether or not Jerry Garcia died at 4:20 and how the origins came about. Then the talk about how many bowls one has/can smoke. I hate it, it makes me sick, I am tired of it, get over it (as well as myself). I think for one day, just ONE day, they should make every single drug on the planet legal and FREE. That way, we can get rid of all the users and losers (I am sure they would overdose).

I also say this as Lars U. has been known to do some blow once in a while.
I also say this as Lars U. has been known to do some blow once in a while.
really what gave it away :lol:

I like pot heads cause at least they usually stay in their homes. Although most of the music they listen to sucks. I don't know what's funnier some hippie spinning in circles at a Dead show or, some college kid doing it at the Dave Mathews show. Woah dude let the music set you free. I think I know where Iran should do it's nuclear testing.
I havent smoked in at least 12 years. I do down a few beers or other alcohol from time to time. That being said....... two young drunk dudes bump into each other in a bar, ones drink gets spilled and one or both leave with at least a bloody lip. Two stoned mother fuckers bump into each other, on drops his roach clip and one of the two is buying pizza for both..... nuff said.
ThraxEm said:
two young drunk dudes bump into each other in a bar, ones drink gets spilled and one or both leave with at least a bloody lip. Two stoned mother fuckers bump into each other, on drops his roach clip and one of the two is buying pizza for both..... nuff said.

doesnt make it less illegal.
I could give a rats ass if the stoners want a holiday. I think they all sound like morons yelling 4 20. But then again, when I smoked weed I didn't have shirts, hats, and otehr crap to let the world know. I just did it quietly so I didn't have to share.
Wah .., pots illegal...... Wah..... 420.... Get over it .... Dude whats up? I stopped smoking pot 7 + years ago.... I would love to light up..
pot is illegal. And all drug users should be locked up and beaten daily. But that is just my opinion

thraxx said:
Wah .., pots illegal...... Wah..... 420.... Get over it .... Dude whats up? I stopped smoking pot 7 + years ago.... I would love to light up..

His exgirlfriend got stoned and blew some guy in a miata.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
pot is illegal. And all drug users should be locked up and beaten daily. But that is just my opinion. I hate this day. All day long I hear "420 dude! Do you know what that is!?" Then the debate over whether or not Jerry Garcia died at 4:20 and how the origins came about. Then the talk about how many bowls one has/can smoke. I hate it, it makes me sick, I am tired of it, get over it (as well as myself). I think for one day, just ONE day, they should make every single drug on the planet legal and FREE. That way, we can get rid of all the users and losers (I am sure they would overdose).

Well, show me any overdosed potsmoker! lol nobody ever died from smoking joints. (well, except HANK, who died on an "overdose" in Amsterdam. He was squashed at the harpor by a container full of cannabis :lol:)

Alcohol is legal and kills thousands more than any other drug (lost 3 friends who took this dangerous but LEGAL drug). Legal or not legal means NOTHING about the danger of a drug.
I know lawyers, cops, teachers, doctors, etc. who sometimes smoke having no problem with it. Many of my friends smoke and I can say after 31 years (6 years working at a night-bar), that I NEVER saw an aggressive and dangerous potsmoker. Well, not true: I saw some, but ONLY if they were totaly drunk, too.
Off course, every drug is dangerous. Like Paracelsus said: "[SIZE=-1]dosis facit venenum". People who smoke pot on weekends, drink only some days a months, etc. will not have a problem with it. People who use it daily (=abuse) will have a problem soon (socialy, physically,etc. - dependig WHAT they take). [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]A beer per day isn't dangerous, 15 beers per day are. The same with pot.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Society allways used drugs. Some are legal (pills, alcohol,..), some are not. (read the REAL reason, why the UN forbid pot at the beginning of the last century. It was ALL business! No plant grows faster than hemp. They used it for cloths, ropes, OIL! etc. NO industry wants a plant that everybody could grow at home easily. They want you to buy oil, cotton, beer, etc. and NOT growing it yourself for free.)

The problem is, as long as it's illegal to smoke pot, people can't be told how to use it the right way and what's REALLY dangerous.
When dope is as illegal as heroin, XTC, etc. kids who try dope see, that nothing bad happens and think:"Well, if THIS is so harmless, the "hard"drugs may be harmless, too." and possibly try it.
Ever talked with guys who work with drug addicted kids in the streets?
They all know, that alcohol, kokain, heroin, pills, etc. is the problem, NOT dope.

Well, we could argue about that for days.
I prefer a good and relaxed :Smokin: evening over a drunk evening, doing things I'd never do sober and having a bad hangover the next day.

You would be shocked how many of the people you know take drugs and nobody knows it.
I worked with a girl and, her and her husband loved to smoke pot so much that he couldn't make it in to work anymore and got fired. Then he sat around the house all day and smoked pot while she went to work. Well they couldn't make it on just her salary and his unemployment checks because after they paid the bills and bought their massive amounts of pot, they had no money for anything else. She made up some sob story and borrowed 2 grand off her mom.
They bought and smoked more pot. When you are a drug addict or alchoholic getting the high is your main purpose. They started getting behind on some bills and some how were able to take out a second morgage on their home. They went on weekend trips and a very nice vacation and got high.
They bounced not one but two morgage checks. She failed a drug test at work and lost her job. Neither person looked for work. They both sat around and got high all day. They pissed away all the money they had, pointed fingers at each other and filed for divorce. The bank foreclosed their house.They filed fraudulant taxes last year and got caught. Last I heard he had a warrant out for his arrest for a dui and possesion charges and, hadn't signed the divorce papers. She lives at home with her mom at 40 years old, don't work and gets high all day. Morale of this story ...
The people like myself who have addictive personalities are ruining drugs for the rest of you who want to be occasional users :lol: and, as long as people will kill each other for drugs the government will never have to legalize it.
karrokid said:
I worked with a girl and, her and her husband loved to smoke pot so much that he couldn't make it in to work anymore and got fired. Then he sat around the house all day and smoked pot while she went to work. Well they couldn't make it on just her salary and his unemployment checks because after they paid the bills and bought their massive amounts of pot, they had no money for anything else. She made up some sob story and borrowed 2 grand off her mom.
They bought and smoked more pot. When you are a drug addict or alchoholic getting the high is your main purpose. They started getting behind on some bills and some how were able to take out a second morgage on their home. They went on weekend trips and a very nice vacation and got high.
They bounced not one but two morgage checks. She failed a drug test at work and lost her job. Neither person looked for work. They both sat around and got high all day. They pissed away all the money they had, pointed fingers at each other and filed for divorce. The bank foreclosed their house.They filed fraudulant taxes last year and got caught. Last I heard he had a warrant out for his arrest for a dui and possesion charges and, hadn't signed the divorce papers. She lives at home with her mom at 40 years old, don't work and gets high all day. Morale of this story ...
The people like myself who have addictive personalities are ruining drugs for the rest of you who want to be occasional users :lol: and, as long as people will kill each other for drugs the government will never have to legalize it.
You could just as easily replace alcohol with weed in your story. Sure there are loser potheads, just like there are loser alcoholics. Just because one's legal and the other isn't doesn't mean the legal ones are somehow better for you. I've smoked an average of twice a day for around 10 years. I'm gainfully employed, run 2 miles 5 days a week, very happily married for 7 years, never got addicted to any other drugs, and have a good life. I know for a fact that I couldn't be saying that if I got drunk twice a day for the past 10 years.
I'm not an idiot and I know smoking anything isn't good for you and there is risk involved but in my expirience there's a much higher risk with alcohol and the fact that one's legal and one isn't just baffles me.
What's with the serious talk - I thought this was a fun bull shit thread about hitting the bong and laughing. I don't even remeber the last time I smoked maybe 1 or 2 years ago. It's not that different then beer and from what I understand (correct me please) hops are in the same plant family as weed.
KY_Fried442 said:
You could just as easily replace alcohol with weed in your story. Sure there are loser potheads, just like there are loser alcoholics. Just because one's legal and the other isn't doesn't mean the legal ones are somehow better for you. I've smoked an average of twice a day for around 10 years. I'm gainfully employed, run 2 miles 5 days a week, very happily married for 7 years, never got addicted to any other drugs, and have a good life. I know for a fact that I couldn't be saying that if I got drunk twice a day for the past 10 years.
I'm not an idiot and I know smoking anything isn't good for you and there is risk involved but in my expirience there's a much higher risk with alcohol and the fact that one's legal and one isn't just baffles me.

I agree with you. I smoke maybe 5 times a week. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I pay all my bills, make extra dough to put away, work out, gainfully employed, etc etc. I'm a bartender, and whenever I smoke before I come to work, my tips sky rocket. My rythm behind my bar is on point and the chicks dig a smiling bartender.

I get groupies at my bar all the time buy my regulars that come everyday and get drunk alone are the losers. Sitting there stinking and wallowing about their life and how everyone's done them wrong. I know a few potheads that are losers. Can't get to work on time or be productive. But like any other substance or habit, as long as you have strong will power, know your limits and do it in moderation, what's the big deal??

Gambling is legal and it destroys families.