42147-Who knows?

hasn't wally admitted its a combination of dates? so I've always thought the april 21 could be a reference to some other situation in '47
There have been soo many posts relating to this. I thought on the last one (back in the day) we agreed on the combo of dates thing. If i remember correctly, April (4), 21 was either the day on which synthesized, or the day of the infamous "bike ride" the first documented acid trip, although it was accidental (some absorbed through his skin when he was handling it). Since he didn't correlate his bike ride to the drug, he ignored it until a few years later when went back to if for like pain killing potential or something like that. He came to realize what it really did and preformed many experiments on/with it, to determine what medical uses the strongest hallucinogen known to man might have. He published the results of his studies in 1947.

4/21 - the bike ride
1947 - Notes on the effects of LSD and his personal journals he wrote while tripping were published.

Hence the combination 42147

(yeah i studied it up a bit:loco: )
a guy... said:
The International Jugglers Association was formed.

Oh dear.

"we're through the looking glass here, people ... "

all my years of fondness for the song, and how little i knew of how deep the rabbit hole went ...

of course! Hofmann was a madman with the devil sticks, a truth warrel knows all too well ... and relinquished the burden of his knowledge to all who unlock the truth ..

and lo! I am one with this beautiful disorder ..
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