43 yr old teacher "digitally penetrates" 16 yr old student


You managed to derail the whole thread and then bring it right back on topic all in the same post...Kudos sir
I just like to know that it really is a girl I'm putting it to. Easiest way is to make them scream. Men don't scream... they grunt. Well.... that's what Burroughs taught me.

Okay. Bedtime now.
wow brett... quite an odd re-entry to the forum. welcome back?


1.... yes, he did... if you read the story, they had actual intercourse as well, and in the U.S. sex with anyone under 17 is statutory rape. Also he's a teacher, they are supposed to be trustworthy.

2.... even digital penetration is considered sexual assault... and if the girl is too young for consent, as in this case, it is again considered rape.

he violated a major trust... and he deserves severe punishment.

Yes James he "raped" her for the american law, but she didn't ask for help when happened, it seems she liked it, if not why did she have a second encounter?
I guess this is a girl who enjoyed having sex with the teacher.
He's a pervert for being 43 and having sex with a little girl, but the little girl wasn't an angel anyway...
With shit like that going on in Japan, all their weird Jazz musicians make a lot more sense now..
I understand the lack of professionalism and self control here, but I think to call it rape is to demean the nature of actual forced rape cases, which are utterly vile and reprehensible. This was ultimately consensual, whether or not the law recognizes her as an adult. Some places in the world recognize much younger girls as adults, and certainly in past generations much younger girls have been married off without any will of their own to factor into it. Here in Oz the consensual age is 16, so really the only foul from this end is the fact that the teacher may have been seen to have abused a position of power.. though I doubt that's the case. From the account of things the girl actually came to him, the fact that he was a teacher seems incidental. I think the real issue is the weak-willedness of being tempted with something fresh and young and succumbing to it, which many men are susceptible to.

Most 16 year olds I knew 7 years ago were absolute sluts. It sort of comes with the age. I'm not particularly up for getting caught in all the melodrama. Many girls my age are still sluts, and many of them have slept it up with guys much older than they. 16 or no, many don't mentally mature past that point whatsoever. These laws, restrictions, in many ways are arbitrary, reflective of where society is at TODAY and not where it has been, nor has yet to go.

All that aside, a 40+ year old dude sleeping with 16 year old chick is pretty fucked up, but to call it rape in this particular case I think is a bit of a stretch, and indicative of the law interpretation becoming a bit overzealous.
Yup... I'm gonna have to side with Drew/Brett/Ermz - he abused a position of power, but there was no 'rape' committed (no forced sexual relations) based on this story, just a fucked up phrasing in US law.

Besides, 16? Definitely a whore. Sophomore whore syndrome, it's a scientifically proven fact. Sophomore year of HS is a girls sluttiest year there.
Im pretty sure she will have loved every second of it and then bragged to her friends. Then when he pissed her off somehow, she will have gone all emo on his ass and her best friend will have found out and told her to report him. And of course, she is emotionally stained now.

Anyway, as a teacher he should have had the skills not to let it get this far, and fucked off down the brothel as he clearly wasnt getting any elsewhere. Curiosity killed the cat lol
Everyone needs to realize that each city/municipality/county/state defines rape differently in their law books. You can't just use the standard definition of rape as found in Websters dictionary. You need to read the cities Revised Code book to fully understand the charge. Hell, some places only consider rape to be via vaginally penetration with a penis. So anal sex, fingers, dildos, whatever else- the rapist wouldn't be charged with rape, which IMO the rapist should. Most states are getting on the ball with this though.
A former teacher of mine, who I was actually friends with, not only had affairs with several other teachers from our school (2 of whom he got pregnant), but he also used to hit on students (usually right after they graduated so he was safe).

But right know, he's suspended because he got into an affair with a (at the time) 16 year old who used to be in a class with my cousin. My cousin told me that he would often interrupt classes from other teachers, always asking for that girl to be dismissed because she was needed for "special tasks". She would then return after about half an hour or so, looking rather "deranged".

When I was a student, that dude was my hero. We became friends on a trip to England, raging through pubs and doing all kinds of crap. Hell, we even went to a Ozzy concert back home and continued to get wasted on weekends. Dude is/was also way beyond his forties, fifties maybe now.

After I graduated and went to University, we only saw each other few times a year and more and more of his "shenanigans" surfaced and got him into trouble.

When we met for the last time in '07 he got SUPER pissed because I refused to take shots with him (Note: I had a broken leg and was on crutches).

What a gigantic douchebag... but when you're young...