43 yr old teacher "digitally penetrates" 16 yr old student

My leg was so fucked that I wasn't allowed to put any pressure on it for several weeks. So alcohol was a no-go.


Never fully recovered.
Just because he didn't hold her down and rape her does not in any way make this less offensive. She was young, impressionable and he was in a position of power. She was likely afraid of the consequences of saying no. He more than likely manipulated her and mentally abused her into giving consent. Where as most forced rape victims know they did nothing wrong, this girl will now question for the rest of her life whether she deserved it, etc. etc. The mental aspect of this has the potential to be just as bad as a forced rape. His blatant abuse of his position is disturbing and frightening, and to say that "Yes, she wanted it" just because she let it happen is stupid. Do most children that get molested "want it" because they are too afraid to say no? Some of you here have some really distorted views on reality.
ah well makes a point I guess, just didn't quite see the relation at first. I thought for one moment getting "shots" in germany meant kicking each other in the balls or something

Yeah, that's how we roll at parties, kicking each others nuts Blitzkrieg-style!

I understand the lack of professionalism and self control here, but I think to call it rape is to demean the nature of actual forced rape cases, which are utterly vile and reprehensible. This was ultimately consensual, whether or not the law recognizes her as an adult. Some places in the world recognize much younger girls as adults, and certainly in past generations much younger girls have been married off without any will of their own to factor into it. Here in Oz the consensual age is 16, so really the only foul from this end is the fact that the teacher may have been seen to have abused a position of power.. though I doubt that's the case. From the account of things the girl actually came to him, the fact that he was a teacher seems incidental. I think the real issue is the weak-willedness of being tempted with something fresh and young and succumbing to it, which many men are susceptible to.

Most 16 year olds I knew 7 years ago were absolute sluts. It sort of comes with the age. I'm not particularly up for getting caught in all the melodrama. Many girls my age are still sluts, and many of them have slept it up with guys much older than they. 16 or no, many don't mentally mature past that point whatsoever. These laws, restrictions, in many ways are arbitrary, reflective of where society is at TODAY and not where it has been, nor has yet to go.

All that aside, a 40+ year old dude sleeping with 16 year old chick is pretty fucked up, but to call it rape in this particular case I think is a bit of a stretch, and indicative of the law interpretation becoming a bit overzealous.

I don't think I've ever seen a post by Ermz that I disagree with haha major +1
Even if this affair was consensual and we look past the age hurdle (as age of consent varies so much), he still (as James put it) violated a major trust.

She is a ward fof him. Even if she was 17 or 18, it's still an absolute no-go and should be punished hard.
Just because he didn't hold her down and rape her does not in any way make this less offensive. She was young, impressionable and he was in a position of power. She was likely afraid of the consequences of saying no. He more than likely manipulated her and mentally abused her into giving consent. Where as most forced rape victims know they did nothing wrong, this girl will now question for the rest of her life whether she deserved it, etc. etc. The mental aspect of this has the potential to be just as bad as a forced rape. His blatant abuse of his position is disturbing and frightening, and to say that "Yes, she wanted it" just because she let it happen is stupid. Do most children that get molested "want it" because they are too afraid to say no? Some of you here have some really distorted views on reality.

thank you Roy!... i'm glad someone else on here finally showed they had the thoughtfulness to work that out as well.
You know, after thinking about it more...

Regardless of how widely defined 'rape' is, to call this rape is an insult to people who have actually been forcefully penetrated against their will. I'm not saying what he did was at all right or should be at all condoned, but it's a bit like referring to alcoholism as a serious disease when there are people dying from Cancer and AIDS. Neither are great and both are harmful to it's victims/their families, but they are very, very different types of 'diseases.'
And so based on this he should be shot in the head?
brett... you clearly have not spent much time in the US. this type of saying is fairly common here... insert any punishment... "he should be taken out and...."

shot in the head
have his dick chopped off
set on fire
etc., etc., ad infinitum

i've heard this type of expression my whole life.

it's just hyperbole my man, and seeing as how you live in a country where half the populace riots at the drop of a hat, setting innocent person's cars on fire even, you should chillax a minute and ease your way back into the forum with a bit smaller of a critical "chip" on your shoulder.



j/k buddy :kickass:
regardless of anyone/s opinion here, this man at the very least deserves to lose his job and never be allowed to teach again. anyone who disagrees with that, i can only wish one fate on you.... that you have daughters.


ps... but yeah, he'll do prison time.