
New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2002
To this board anyways, I post on the muchloud board and have 1000+ post there that is where I found out about these boards.
These are the Black/Norwegian Metal bands i've heard:
And Oceans
At Mortem
Black Dawn
Celtic Frost
Dark funeral
Green Carnation
In The Woods...
Judas Iscariot
Kult ov Azazel
Lord Belial
Nokturnal Motrum
Pagan Winter
Thy Primordial

I know not all these bands are black metal but they sound close enough to the genre. I do think Maniac is a real shitty singer and dead is alot better (I downloaded the Bootlegs). I am only 14 so i have only been listening to black metal for about almost a year. Dimmu and cradle, yes they do suck. I came to this board on the forum because it seemed like the best one to post at.

Are there any good really good black metal bands that I am missing from the list just tell me them.
I'm very suprised you don't have Ulver 'Bergtatt' and 'Nattens Madrigal'. Easily two of the best BM albums ever. Enslaved is also pretty awesome.

I also noticed you didn't mention Aborym. All I can say is get Aborym 'Fire Walk with Us'. IMO the best BM album last year. Along with Thorns.
Ya I remember a year ago (when I too was a wee lad of 14) I was barely discovering black metal myself. I knew no one who listened to black metal (and still don't) so I would like to know how you discovered black metal, just out of curiosity. By the way, Yahoo has a short list of some black metal bands and I noticed there are som bands there not on your list. I haven't checked out most of these bands but here's the url anyway.
Originally posted by Ibsen
Ya I remember a year ago (when I too was a wee lad of 14) I was barely discovering black metal myself. I knew no one who listened to black metal (and still don't) so I would like to know how you discovered black metal, just out of curiosity. By the way, Yahoo has a short list of some black metal bands and I noticed there are som bands there not on your list. I haven't checked out most of these bands but here's the url anyway.
The muchmusic board. Downloading music off mirc on the channel #mp3-blackmetal, Like basically asking people on the net to name me some black metal bands and downlaoding shit from them.
Originally posted by Somberlain
Old Man's Child
I have heard them but forgot to put them on my list
Originally posted by bang
gorgoroth, carpathian forest, old ulver, tulus, khold, enslaved etc..

welcome by the way
Have carpathian forest on my list thingy but I forgot the forest part. :D And i know for sure i have heard of gorgoroth.
All the other shit i will download a couple songs from to see if I like the bands.
Eh,Nargaroth isn't the best BMband from Germany.Try out Nagelfar (with E ! :) ) .They're much better than Kanwulf will ever be.And if you like Absurd than i'm quite sure that will like Graveland...
And how about old Abigor.Awesome BM from Austira.
Ulver is one of the best "old" bands...i have few songs on my harddisk still.From AG times ;)
And if you're into demotapes and stuff like that check out Necroplasma and Grimthron.
*Hihi* at last someone whos as old as I and is into Blackmetal...

knew no one who listened to black metal (and still don't) so I would like to know how you discovered black metal, just out of curiosity.
Well,a friend gave me Damnd in Black...and i liked the guitarsound,and the style.I listened much to Slayer,Kreator and such bands that time.But i got quite bored that time by this old Thrash i started to discover Blackmetal...
Originally posted by Rabenreich
Eh,Nargaroth isn't the best BMband from Germany.Try out Nagelfar (with E ! :) ) .They're much better than Kanwulf will ever be.And if you like Absurd than i'm quite sure that will like Graveland...
And how about old Abigor.Awesome BM from Austira.
Ulver is one of the best "old" bands...i have few songs on my harddisk still.From AG times ;)
And if you're into demotapes and stuff like that check out Necroplasma and Grimthron.
*Hihi* at last someone whos as old as I and is into Blackmetal...

Well,a friend gave me Damnd in Black...and i liked the guitarsound,and the style.I listened much to Slayer,Kreator and such bands that time.But i got quite bored that time by this old Thrash i started to discover Blackmetal...
have allready heard Graveland and abigor. Like them both espically Abogir. I am listening to ulver right now, Thier vocals are fucking awesome. Great band.
Originally posted by Detormed
have allready heard Graveland and abigor. Like them both espically Abogir. I am listening to ulver right now, Thier vocals are fucking awesome. Great band.

Which album of Ulver are you listening to? They are all so different. I like Garm's raspy vocals on 'Nattens Madrigal', but he can do great cleans as well. He's a musical genius.
Originally posted by npearce

Which album of Ulver are you listening to? They are all so different. I like Garm's raspy vocals on 'Nattens Madrigal', but he can do great cleans as well. He's a musical genius.
I was listening to Bergtatt