All I'm saying is that people need to take responsibility for themselves, rather than expecting the government to monitor their health or their parenting for them.
I am in total agreeance with you on that. I HATE big Government as much as anyone (GO GO RON PAUL 2008!) but the simple fact remains: As long as medical insurance is in the hands of the private sector, we will be price gouged into poverty and denied medical care at the very first oppertunity, for the simple fact that they're in it for the stock holders, and paying out lowers the profit margin. I, thankfully, have never been in a situation where I've seen this take place, but so help me God if I ever get cancer.
Putting it in the Governments hands gives them yet another measure of power sure, and there could be stipulations that go with it, but in all honesty, I think the good would so far outweigh the bad that it's worth it. Imagine people who need it.. really NEED it getting the health care. No longer worrying about almost getting FIRED for having breast cancer in the middle of surgery/kemo (true story) and losing your medical insurance because you have no job and can't afford $2000 a month. It's broken, and so far, this is the best way anyone has proposed to fix it. You don't like it, make people stop going to the fucking ER for a god damned cold.
I mean, Christ, do we really need the FCC and FDA trying to raise anyone's kids? Also, I'm all for low cost medical care but it should be the people that need it that help to pay for it rather than taxing the people who already have taken care of themselves to provide for those that have not. We shouldn't be punishing the responsible people in order to give the irresponsible people a helping hand.uke:
I'd like to know what procedures and caregiving shouldn't be given to what types of people. I'd much rather give $50 a month (which is what I pay for medical insurance now) to taxes for everyone to have the health care they need than to be giving it to the private sector that is so willing to completely fuck me over the instant I fall down.
The illegal immigration problem also feeds into the whole burden on the system issue, but it also helps keep labor costs low, so it may not necessarily stopped. That said, I do remember going to high school with people whose bilingual friends had to translate everything into Spanish for them. Legal? Maybe. Their parents? Very much doubt it.![]()
Keeping labor costs low is not offsetting the amount of taxes (which you seem to be SO concerned about) you pay for them to have medical care for nothing, wages that aren't taxed (they probably make more than you do), and welfare. So you're willing to pay for all of these things so you don't have to pay for LEGAL immigrants and citizens to get health care? Double standards much? Fun Tip: Illegal workers save big buisnesses money, not you. Savings aren't passed down to you, they're used to increase profits.
I went from weighing 200lb at the beginning of high school to about 140lb near the end, more people just need to take the initiative and be responsible about their health.
Congradulations! And I completely agree about people needing to take more responsibility.