44th President of the USA

Here's an interesting little bit of info A friend E-mailed to me about the whole NON-English speakers & ILLEGAL CRIMINALS in the USA!

No wonder we're in a National Debt for over $4 trillion! This is our tax $'s HARD at work!

HOPEFULLY, some president will eventually do something serious & effective about this prob.!

Bank of America, can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business with you any longer.

The Bank: Why not?

Customer: You're giving credit to illegal immigrants
and I don't think it's right. I'm taking my business elsewhere.

The Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you
do that, but we can't stop you. I'll help you close the account. What
is your account number?

Customer: (gives account number)

The Bank: For security purposes and for your protection, can you please give me the last four digits of your social security number?
Customer: No.

The Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to help you, I'll need verification of who you are.

Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants who don't have social security
numbers. You are targeting that audience and want their business. Let's say I'm an illegal immigrant and you've given me a credit card. I have a question about it and call for assistance. You wouldn't be asking me for a Social Security number, would you?

The Bank: No sir, I wouldn't.

Customer: Why not?

The Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak
in Spanish. We don't ask for that information when calling in on the
Spanish line.

I provided "snopes" for doubters:


I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I have included the URL's for verification of the
following facts.

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime
problem in the U.S. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.html

11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of
drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U.S. from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report: http://tinyurl.com/t9sht

12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period." http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pdf/deportation.pdf

13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.

14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States"

The total cost is a whopping $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!!

If this doesn't bother you then just delete the message, but on the other hand, if it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, then forward it to every human in the country including every representative in Washington , DC four time a week for a month.

Maybe we should boycott Bank Of America?? & any other bank that does so, & report them to the FDIC & government for this!
Also, a very interesting show appeared on the Science channel the other day saying how scientists could prove that GLOBAL WARMING was not just a fact of life that occurs in natural cycles in the Earth's
history! But, brought on by what we're doing to it!

I for one drive a car that gets over 30 MPG, & am insistant on recycling so I know I am not contributing to the destruction of the ozone!

I'm kind of curious to see if rising demand leading to increasing prices will drive down usage/increase efficiency.

No need. If prices stay high, we'll simply reopen old wells in the U.S. that were closed because the remaining oil would have cost too much to get out...at old $20-40/bbl prices. NOW, though, they'd be profitable again.
Before that point is reached, OPEC will increase production. They don't want us to start opening old oilwells. They'd rather not have us drilling in ANWR, either.

Or we could always let Shell turn a sizable section of Wyoming/Utah/Colorado wilderness into sludge to get oil out of shale. :lol:

Better watch it; the Canadians are banking heavily on shale oil deposits. :heh:

Also, a very interesting show appeared on the Science channel the other day saying how scientists could prove that GLOBAL WARMING was not just a fact of life that occurs in natural cycles in the Earth's
history! But, brought on by what we're doing to it!

The UK Met Office (i.e., their version of our National Weather Service) has now announced -- reluctantly -- that measured globally, global warming actually halted around ten years ago and in 2005, it reversed itself...that we're now experiencing global cooling.

They then did some handwaving and mumbled something about the effects of CO2 possibly causing global warming to return, maybe as soon as 2009.


This is why the New and Improved catch-phrase to scare people is "sudden global climate change." That way, no matter what the weather or climate does, Big Environment can keep us in a perpetual state of fear.....which amazingly enough is the title of a great book by Michael Crichton (yes, THE Michael Crichton) addressing this very issue.

I for one drive a car that gets over 30 MPG, & am insistant on recycling so I know I am not contributing to the destruction of the ozone!

Mine gets about 40 mpg, so you, sir, are PWNED. :heh:
Here's an interesting little bit of info A friend E-mailed to me about the whole NON-English speakers & ILLEGAL CRIMINALS in the USA!
All of that makes me sick! I'm a legal, native-born, tax-paying citizen yet I still have the government after me for my $28,000 defaulted student loan because I'm struggling to make ends meet, yet these f***kers get all this sh*t for free! I haven't been to the doctor, dentist, or eye doctor in over two years because I can't afford a simple check up, yet illegals go to the emergency room for a runny nose and get treated for free! :mad: The government is after my $28K like dogs on raw meat but they sure ain't doing sh*t about getting the illegals out of the system! Now I'm pissed... :zombie::zombie::zombie:
All of that makes me sick! I'm a legal, native-born, tax-paying citizen yet I still have the government after me for my $28,000 defaulted student loan because I'm struggling to make ends meet, yet these f***kers get all this sh*t for free! I haven't been to the doctor, dentist, or eye doctor in over two years because I can't afford a simple check up, yet illegals go to the emergency room for a runny nose and get treated for free! :mad: The government is after my $28K like dogs on raw meat but they sure ain't doing sh*t about getting the illegals out of the system! Now I'm pissed... :zombie::zombie::zombie:

And Tammy it is only going to get worse if something isn't done about the illegal problem, and believe me we know what we speak of don't we. Here is another story for the border: Two Border Patrol agents sentenced to 10 years in jail for shooting and wounding a suspected drug dealer who fired ON THEM. 3 Months later same said drug dealer(illiegal alien) is stopped at the Us/Mexico crossing in El Paso with 75lbs of weed, and is busted, yet again. And he is now suing the Customs and Immigration service and Border Patrol and El Paso police for wrongful imprisonment, and racial profiling. Oh yeah it is a public defender that guess who pays for it? ME!!!!!!
I for one drive a car that gets over 30 MPG, & am insistant on recycling so I know I am not contributing to the destruction of the ozone!

Penn & Teller's 'Bullshit' should be mandatory viewing. Their episode on recycling is priceless. Is it really enviromentally friendly?:rock:
No need. If prices stay high, we'll simply reopen old wells in the U.S. that were closed because the remaining oil would have cost too much to get out...at old $20-40/bbl prices. NOW, though, they'd be profitable again

Apparently there's an enormous section of the US coastline that isn't open to drilling/exploration either at this point.
All of that makes me sick! I'm a legal, native-born, tax-paying citizen yet I still have the government after me for my $28,000 defaulted student loan because I'm struggling to make ends meet, yet these f***kers get all this sh*t for free! I haven't been to the doctor, dentist, or eye doctor in over two years because I can't afford a simple check up, yet illegals go to the emergency room for a runny nose and get treated for free! :mad: The government is after my $28K like dogs on raw meat but they sure ain't doing sh*t about getting the illegals out of the system! Now I'm pissed... :zombie::zombie::zombie:

I understand. You think the health care system is fucked now, just wait until guvment gets their hands on the joystick. Guvment healthcare is a whole new nightmare waiting around the corner. Ah, the joys and wonders of big government. I fail to understand those that think the government being in charge of their healthcare is a good thing.

Name me one thing the government does better than the private sector? Let the free market work...it is a wonderful thing. I'm just glad that I'm old enough that I should be six feet under by the time this country dissolves into total socialism.
I'd prefer the government to run the healthcare systems rather than stock holder companies who are hellbent on the bottom dollar, doing everything and anything to deny people coverage while charging exhorbant fees.
I'd prefer the government to run the healthcare systems rather than stock holder companies who are hellbent on the bottom dollar, doing everything and anything to deny people coverage while charging exhorbant fees.

I'm curious where the money will come from to provide everyone with medical care. I have no intention of helping to pay for anyone else's medical care through tax increases or any other means. :Smug:

You could require that people pay for insurance but trying to socialize the system will just drop the quality of care in order to cover costs. I for one don't want to pay for increased taxes just to cover someone else's medical expenses, they're not my problem nor should they be.
I'm curious where the money will come from to provide everyone with medical care. I have no intention of helping to pay for anyone else's medical care through tax increases or any other means. :Smug:

You could require that people pay for insurance but trying to socialize the system will just drop the quality of care in order to cover costs. I for one don't want to pay for increased taxes just to cover someone else's medical expenses, they're not my problem nor should they be.

Moreover, a lot of that taxpayer money (i.e., from you and me, but not the EITC families) will have to go toward caring for illegals. The recent near-collapse of Grady Memorial Hospital here in Atlanta is just a harbinger of things to come if the government becomes the arbiter of healthcare here. (Grady wisely decided to go private.)

Name me one thing the government does better than the private sector? Let the free market work...it is a wonderful thing. I'm just glad that I'm old enough that I should be six feet under by the time this country dissolves into total socialism.

Okay, one thing the Feds did right: Conrail. And that's just about it. :lol: (They succeeded because they didn't run it as-- or by -- a bureacracy.)

For a great example of how the free market CAN work in a medical situation, just look at optical services, exams, glasses and contacts. There is a lot of marketplace competition for your optical dollar, and consequently you can get an eye exam and a decent set of glasses remarkably cheaply.....IF you shop around.

And that's the whole idea.
And Tammy it is only going to get worse if something isn't done about the illegal problem, and believe me we know what we speak of don't we.
That story just burns me alive! :mad: Do any of the candidates have a real solution for this problem, or are they just ignoring it?

I think I'ma do a write in vote this election, but I'm kinda torn between Jack Johnson and John Jackson.
HA! I GET IT!! :tickled:

I'm curious where the money will come from to provide everyone with medical care.
From the soda pop tax, duh! :rolleyes: Oh wait, that will help school programs. Nevermind, it'll be something else ridiculous. :Smug:
You'll never believe the sh*t said in this article! When are people going to take responsibility for what they put into their bodies, instead of blaming it on marketing?

Burnout said:
I have no intention of helping to pay for anyone else's medical care through tax increases or any other means. :Smug:

You're already paying for someone's medical care, and it's only a matter of time that they increase taxes for it. They'll find a way, like taxing high fructose corn syrup because it causes obesity. It's in f**king EVERYTHING, not just soda, there is no second-hand effects, obesity is not linked solely or highly to HFCS (not as close like cigarettes and lung cancer anyway!), AND we have soldiers dying to protect our freedom to choose whatever the f*ck we wanna eat and not have to pay extra for it! What I put into my body is my own damn personal business and should not cost me extra just because some jackasses over-consume junkfood or because some people have a natural disposition to heavy weight. What about those of us who keep our bodies healthy but still want to enjoy a f**king soda? I have to pay extra now? WHY? It's not my fault the U.S. is getting fat, nor does anyone have the right to charge me more just because other people get fat off the product. "Hi, you like Coca-Cola but because it has HFCS which is partially at fault for making our country fat, you're going to have to pay more for it, eventhough you enjoy Coca-Cola and are still at a very healthy weight." "Oh, I'm sorry, it's not anyone's fault they over-consume HFCS. Granted it's in nearly everything to keep costs low because businesses want to move south or overseas, but the real problem is the marketing strategies of the evil snack food industry. How dare they make a product we want! They should be encouraged to make a healthier snack if they're going to force us to eat it! How dare they exercise their right to free enterprise!" :Puke::Puke::Puke:

All of that makes me sick! I'm a legal, native-born, tax-paying citizen yet I still have the government after me for my $28,000 defaulted student loan because I'm struggling to make ends meet, yet these f***kers get all this sh*t for free! I haven't been to the doctor, dentist, or eye doctor in over two years because I can't afford a simple check up, yet illegals go to the emergency room for a runny nose and get treated for free! :mad: The government is after my $28K like dogs on raw meat but they sure ain't doing sh*t about getting the illegals out of the system! Now I'm pissed... :zombie::zombie::zombie:

I agree w/you X's Infinity & 1! Those loan sharks are after me too for mine! & I filed their disability deferment due to me being on it, & they always find a way to get around it & say it's not enough & still hound me for it! We need a Great Wall like they have in China! & better customs & airport security & checks on passporst & visas!
From the soda pop tax, duh! :rolleyes: Oh wait, that will help school programs. Nevermind, it'll be something else ridiculous. :Smug:

You'll never believe the sh*t said in this article! When are people going to take responsibility for what they put into their bodies, instead of blaming it on marketing?

This is PURE BULLSHIT! Again the gov trying to take away our freedom of choice! This is just as unconstitutional as the lawsuit against McD's for saying that the SuperSized fries & drinks were making people fat & dead! I am no small guy, but I am not the Michellin Man either! & I enjoy soda & junkfood,-(who doesn't?) but all my physicals & tests always come back healthy!

But, that HFCS is also in Gatorade! Who ever became obese from drinking that??? Who ever had a heart-attack from drinking it?

I mean they act like it's giving people cancer! & the diet sodas are exempt? Sacaharine-Speeled right?) will give you cancer! That shit is worse for you than the real thing! WTF is wrong w/the assholes??

What's next? tax the computer monitor manufacturers for saying that people sit at them too long & too close & need glasses?:Smug: Where does it end?

More & more we are losing our freedoms & more & more the Bill Of Rights & constitution are being raped & re-written! Every day I see this country becoming more & more like how England was in "'V' For Vendetta!" Scary! I just hope I can still get out before it gets that far!
They'll find a way, like taxing high fructose corn syrup because it causes obesity. It's in f**king EVERYTHING, not just soda, there is no second-hand effects

More from me later, but I've so far gone about 6 months now wherein I have maybe one or two types of food in my diet that has it. As you'd expect, I've dropped nearly 20 pounds in that time, and am down 35 since the last time I've been to progpower.
Just FYI on the Bank of America thing, they issue SS#s to people who don't have them. They look like this: 00-000-1003 (and I'm sure that's someone's on their account listing). Seriously.

My other bitch. While I was in LA this last weekend, my hotel failed to give me a "do not disturb" sign for my door, so I just flipped the spare lock to keep them from interrupting my sleep. Housekeeping called 30 minutes after coming by my room, addressing me in Spanish first. I responded in English, saying I had no clue what she was saying. She continued in Spanish, eventually I just said, "No" and hung up. Now, if the people cleaning the rooms don't speak English, that's fine. But the least they could do is have someone who is at the call desk, that speaks English. I'm sorry, but how does the name, "Weidenbach" translate into "I speak Spanish"?
All I'm saying is that people need to take responsibility for themselves, rather than expecting the government to monitor their health or their parenting for them.

I mean, Christ, do we really need the FCC and FDA trying to raise anyone's kids? Also, I'm all for low cost medical care but it should be the people that need it that help to pay for it rather than taxing the people who already have taken care of themselves to provide for those that have not. We shouldn't be punishing the responsible people in order to give the irresponsible people a helping hand. :Puke:

The illegal immigration problem also feeds into the whole burden on the system issue, but it also helps keep labor costs low, so it may not necessarily stopped. That said, I do remember going to high school with people whose bilingual friends had to translate everything into Spanish for them. Legal? Maybe. Their parents? Very much doubt it. :erk:

More from me later, but I've so far gone about 6 months now wherein I have maybe one or two types of food in my diet that has it. As you'd expect, I've dropped nearly 20 pounds in that time, and am down 35 since the last time I've been to progpower.

I went from weighing 200lb at the beginning of high school to about 140lb near the end, more people just need to take the initiative and be responsible about their health.