4th band for Ragnarokkr 2013: ASHBURY

I can guarantee nobody expected this one. It definitely ups the diversity factor, but it's a name that not a lot of people know. Jeremy turned me on to this band a year ago, and it's right up my '70s heavy rock alley.
Wow, this is impressive indeed.....
Can honestly say I have never heard of them.

Where are these guys from? They aren't on metal archives.

I think they are from Arizona or somewhere. I only heard 1 sound sample a few years back when I really started getting into traditional stuff. I was looking to buy this Gallows Pole disc at Haven and I was searching youtube and thier covers are very close and I came across this which was also in the store.

I didnt even think they were active nor in the states. I think it is a great booking but not my thing. I agree, Winterhawk would be a nice addition now with these guys but two bands of this type the same night may be a bit much.
Yeah, maybe.
Just saying it would be a good complement and would help some of the fence sitters who are more into doomier / 70's stuff.....

Anyhow, great find. Though as we all said, this band isn't very well known.
Therefore, I think getting another doom or 70s style band who is a bit more known will draw attention to this band.

I think a lot of people will dig this. I like what I have heard so far.

Sounds like something SHADOW KINGDOM would have re-released.

Hrmmm....maybe HELLWELL would be another good booking to complement this???
Just a thought. DAMN, if you could get HELLWELL one night and MANILLA ROAD another?????

Excuse me, I think I might have to change my pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey!!! I tried a couple times getting Pagan Altar to Ragnarokkr.
Unfortunately, the guy I was speaking to most about it is no longer in the band.

Believe me, you guys know I have pimping that band longer than anyone around these parts......

I couldn't swing something like MDF realistically either, esp this year due to pending family vacation and an out of town wedding.

On top of PA, you have Manilla Road, Pentagram, and Venom. UgH!!!!!

But that's fine. Holy hell, we get Omen, Oz, Hour of 13, Tyrant's Reign, Ashbury, Shok Paris, etc......