4x10 Bass cab for recording

with modern you mean clean and more "hifi" sounding?
I love the aguilar db cabs, glockenklang cabs are great and you should try the swr golight cabs.
Never head the opportunity to try a trace elliot 4x10, but their amps are really clean and loud.

If you mean something for a modern metal sound, with a bit of distortion, the cabs above could
work, but I would go for an orange or ampeg cab for that kind of stuff.

BUT: I never recorded one of these cabs, just an opinion from somebody who likes how they sound
in the room, there's still a good chance that it sucks if recorded :D
Gallien Krueger, EDEN, SWR 4x10's are the ones I have personally heard people play through and without having excessively tested them my, initial response would be to go for GK neo's.
however, if you can afford it, check out glockenklang or custom made FMC-Audio cabinets http://fmc-audio.jimdo.com/.
FMC is very good and extremely affordable, I used to have a 2x10 for small club gigs.
I'm just going throw it out there, but while Hartke cabs aren't exactly super hi-fi, those aluminum cone 4x10's are still a classic, IMO.
Hey bro! i dono if youll like that but my bassist has a mesa titan with the mesa 410 powerhouse cab i think its called i think its sounds great! let me know what you think if you get the chance to try it.
Another vote for Eden, I'm doing some tracking with my rig next week which is a Eden traveller 550 and Eden 4x12, I'll upload some clips :)
Not sure which to for sure get, but I can say which not to. Stay away from Gallien-Krueger cabs. In my opinion, any amp I run through it sounds extremely honky in the 700-1k area. Even with the amps graphic EQ pushed down it still sounds honkier than bejesus.
Hey bro! i dono if youll like that but my bassist has a mesa titan with the mesa 410 powerhouse cab i think its called i think its sounds great! let me know what you think if you get the chance to try it.

+1 powerhouse cabs sound awesome but havent looked at the cheaper options so maybe theres something cheaper out there that sounds similar?
the t.c. electronic rigs are fucking awesome, you can get so many different sounds out of it,
especially with the multiband comp in there, but I am not sure how well the cabs gonna work
with other amps.
+1 powerhouse cabs sound awesome but havent looked at the cheaper options so maybe theres something cheaper out there that sounds similar?

You are probably right man theres always a chance he could find something similar at lower price but unfortunately i havent run into that yet since gear is kinda limited around here (we had to order the powerhouse from the US but dam i love that bass rig!)
Anyway im sure the other guys here have made some great suggestions as well
