5/1/04 worcester palladium


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
for those of you (localwho may not know, that is the date of the New England Metalfest show. coincidentally, InFlames is going to be touring the states at that time, so theyre a possibility along with Killswitch engage, shadows fall and local guys Beyond the Embrace. Bodom and Iced Earth are the only confirmed bands at the moment and thank fuckin god....30 mintues was not enough to get my fill. i cant fuckin wait
mass concerts dont ever update until most of the bands are confirmed. but its 99.9% sure that may 1st is metal fest, and that will be when bodom/iced earth is schedualed to play
im goin to the metalfest 5/1 its gonna so fuckin great. there are a lot better bands than last year. last year the headliners were shadows fall, opeth, and nevermore. they're still wickid good but with in flames and bodom amongst others this concert is gonna own
