5/5 Orlando show


Oct 14, 2002
South Florida
Who else is going to be there?

Two buddies of mine are big EVERGREY fans like me - saw them at Prog Power last year and LOVED IT. Thing is, we all have to work the next day and live in South Florida (Lauderdale area) so we're doing a marathon run up tomorrow - out of work at 3:00pm, on the road by 3:15, shoot up to the House of Blues (3+ hours) - catch EVERGREY (conveniently for us anyway, going on first), then jump in the car and jet back down here.

6 1/2+ hours of driving in one night for a forty minute set?

Kinda crazy -
but with EVERGREY, DEFINITELY WORTH IT!!!!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Hey I'm going too, I'm gonna leave like at 2 cause my car is old so i don't wanna have any "inconvenience" before this show, Is a good thing that I asked for the day off and I don't have any classes this week. It's always cool to meet metalheads in my area.:rock:
Hey I'm also going, (live in Miami) I'll see you guys in there, hopefully I'll be front row with my jaw on the ground :OMG: \m/
OK i'm gonna be wearing my Blind guardian Shirt.... I bet there's gonna be a lot of people wearing a blind guardian shirt, to be more specific, it has two dragons, and says: "and then there was silence".... I got short spiky hair... So look for me and say, what's up.
Cool - see you fellas there!
I'm so hyped up right now about this show....

I'll be sporting my Prog Power IV black tee and probably a black baseball cap....

My buddy and I are going to be there, driving from tampa. not as far as some of you crazy people but the show is worth it. we'll both be wearing our dream theater shirts so look for us and give us a whats up as well. check you guys out later tonight, holy shit it's gonna be an awesome show tonight!!!!!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :hotjump: :Spam:
Damn - last minute question -
HOB site says NO cameras - is anyone bringing theirs or know if they really don't care at the door?

Not really interested in show pics but would like to get one taken with the band if possible..... the guys seem REAL cool about that.

[Forkmaster - DT shirts huh? Yeah, cool! - I almost wore my DT Escape from the Studio jersey (prize of my collection) but figured my PP4 shirt actually has Evergrey on it so.... too late now since I'm already at work! 4 and a half hours till DRIVE TIME!!:hotjump: ]
Marathon drive but all was successful.
Got up to HOB around 6-ish - doors opened at 7:00.
Bought some shirts - and ended up talking to a real nice guy who works for INSIDE-OUT Music - caught my attention cause he was wearing a Pagan's Mind t-shirt!

Grabbed a few beers and had a moment of shock when the PA guy seemed to announce that Children of Bodom were going on FIRST. :ill: (which messed with our driving schedule so I was a bit perturbed) Some COB fans headed down to the floor and it was filling up - finally lights went down and when we saw Tom walk out (hard to miss, especially in that coat!) we moved down to the floor.

Same short set as listed in previous threads - and MAN, what a set. 6 hours on the road total was WORTH IT - Tom and the guys tore it up and sounded great [there was one solo where Henrik had a problem though, and it was hilarious when he came up to the mike and said "I fucked up!":loco: ]

I was REALLY happy about the crowd - majority seemed there for Iced Earth of course, and then the floor seemed to have alot of COB fans due to that PA announcement... but the guys got good noise from the crowd after finishing each song (besides me and my two buddies screaming our heads off!!), and it seemed to get just a bit stronger after each subsequent song. Then at the end, they got GREAT applause and shouts from the crowd so I think they definitely intro'd some newbie people to the Evergrey Clan. :rock:

AMAZING show... then afterwards, I was lucky enough to spot Tom hanging out by the side and he was gratious enough to sign a few CD sleeves and talk with me for a second (and I got to thank him for Recreation Day because of what that album means to me, due to a personal experience - so I was blessed to have the chance). My buddy has a sister who's Swedish so he actually busted out a Swedish line about Evergrey being "a grim band" or something like that, which is a compliment - Tom got a kick out of it. Just an awesome guy :worship: and an awesome night! :rock:
I was there last night, on the floor during Evergrey....

Some short stocky dude in a bright white button-down shirt charged at me from the side, picked me up with both arms around my waist, and barreled throught the crowd with me, forcing between tightly-packed people. He set me down almost before I'd realized what had happened, and then the crazy fucker disappeared. End result: I was directly centered on Tom for the second half of the set, and I'd been moved a few people closer to the stage. It was some sort of odd-o godsend of a football tackle (however without the pain and the actual takedown).

Anybody else get 'moved' by this guy? Hey, and if you're that guy: thanks much, man. Thanks for the favor.
I was there last night and all I can say is wow, what a great show. :rock: Evergrey was especially cool and they got a pretty good crowd reaction, plus they said they would be back within a year! :grin: Hopefully they will also get a lot more playing time. I remember seeing evilforkmaster and his friend in the matching DT shirts and I think I remember seeing that stocky guy in the white shirt, he didn't carry me to the front though! I don't have any band shirts so I was just wearing a dark grey button down shirt.
Burke said:
My buddy has a sister who's Swedish so he actually busted out a Swedish line about Evergrey being "a grim band" or something like that, which is a compliment - Tom got a kick out of it. Just an awesome guy :worship: and an awesome night! :rock:

So wait, if buddy's sister is Swedish, wouldn't that make him Swedish also?:grin:
I envy you, I was wanting to talk to the band but I had to leave right after IE's set ended.
yeah I got to talk to Jonas during the bodom set and henrik and tom after the show, extremely nice down to earth guys