5 butties/weapons


Death Star
Claymore mines
Slingers & ball bearings

ah shite i want a crossbow aswell :erk:
breakfast roll/kampilan
spar hot chicken breast-mayo in baguette/nodachi
bookies sandwich/mini kerambit
chip butty/banshee sword (half krabi/half dai, all cool)
obriens toasted sasauge sandwich with ballmaloe relish/ blowpipe
Meatball subway/ micks cock
Moons over miami/ sword
Turkey stuffin an cranberry sauce/ baseball bat
Ham an mustard/ gun
Bacon an egg/ slipper
Susie said:
Meatball subway/ micks cock


Mandarin (today's breakfast :/) / automatic pocket knife, something that's not too big but not too small either, that's my wish.

Mini sandwiches in Duran / horseman whip, I like it a lot, although I'm simply unable to make it whip properly, that needs training, which needs open space. The wallpaper is whipped off now at certain places though.

Tiramisu / kendo, I always wanted to go training kendo as a kid, never happened and never will.

Pasta with tomatoes and mushrooms / crappy blowguns we had to aim shoot as kids every year on 29th September :headbang:

Turo rudi / pruning shears, though they're hardly weapons, hehe, well, could be.
currently eating a hot chicken breast baguette, very little mayo on it tho, those miserable damn gook deli monkeys, youd swear it was coming out of their wages
Jam butties (preferably nan made)/aldi bag with 2 bricks in it
BLT/bottle of lambrini
chicken mayo/kitchen knife
monster munch/light saber
banana/lit fag
zupi_clone said:

Death Star
Claymore mines
Slingers & ball bearings

ah shite i want a crossbow aswell :erk:

machete??? :lol:
