5 butties/weapons

always thought I was quite rough for a bird but I dont think Ive ever owned a weapon more dangerous than morning breath so maybe I should stay on Maqus's good side.
But take care not to stand too close, cause when I'm practising whipping five times out of ten I hit myself.
i only kill vegetables. is that alright? or should i start feeling guilty?

and i guess morning breath can kill also...

btw, maqus your sig is cool:D
Bastet said:
:lol: we're just softies with a big mouth though
edit: i am at least don't know 'bout maqus really :lol:

i'm thinking...you don't really want to know. But Softie Q isn't. It does start with an S though. No big mouth with Q either.

What was that Skinny Puppy song? About soft spoken means nothing. about a sadist.

right, found her. not too bad is it?
nomana-nuniyan said:
i'm thinking...you don't really want to know. But Softie Q isn't. It does start with an S though. No big mouth with Q either.

What was that Skinny Puppy song? About soft spoken means nothing. about a sadist.

hmmm, i dunno that song. but it does sound serious. maybe i really don't want to know....o_O
@Bastet: Yeah, I like her shoes - this picture must be from the time when she was still not unsporty fatty spice with pseudo-tai-chi routines in her videoclips.
hey, moderator, i didn't start this :)
and besides, what's more fun than going off topic :loco:

hmm, butties you say.well cheese with lettuce and mayo/ my nice set of kitchen knives :D
cheese mayo (mustard) lettuce (egg/gherkin/tomato/carrot) - bastet & maqus
philadelphia black pepper radish cress pesto - antrax
brie (goat cheese) honey (warm) - 101 dinosaur jokes
feta aubergine courgette pink pepper - the ira
salmon soy bean mayo chives egg - snowball