5 Fav Instrumental Albums

Moonlapse said:
Raison D'etre - The Empty Hollow Unfolds
Blut Aus Nord - Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity
Kammarheit - The Starwheel
Kammarheit - Shockwork
Howard Shore - Lord of the Rings OST

why do you like blut aus nord so much? a certain extent of originality and creative dissonance is not bad, but at some point it just crosses the line and becomes annoying, unlistenable fucking noise. imo blut aus nord is way over that line.
to contribute to the thread

ulver - teachings in silence
ulver - 1st decade in the machines
yndi halda - enjoy eternal bliss
goblin - suspiria
fantomas - delirium cordia
morte macabre - symphonic holocaust
Derlium Cordia has plenty of "vocals," I definitely wouldn't call it an instrumental album.

And as for Blut aus Nord, I've only heard "The work which transforms God," but I think theres plenty of listenable parts on that and at no point does it just become noise... but other recordings could be different.
This isn't exactly an instrumental album since there are vocals, and the vocals are amazing, but it focuses mostly on the instrumental work. Scott Mosher's Deep Horizon. Check it out, it kicks ass!

Simone Fiorletta's Parallel Worlds is an amazing instrumental album. It's kind of like Spastic Ink, but a little less crazy and without vocals.

Leo Kottke - 6 & 12 String Guitars <= badass album best guitar player alive

An Evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess <= ok i dont have many instrumental albums im sorry its not that good

thats really all i can think of right now im braindead at the moment but check out leo kottke amazing shit
erk, probably have to go with Goblin - Suspiria....that's some cool shit. Pelican is fucking boring.

and I dont' think Howard Shore's LOTR soundtrack counts..there's a bunch of choirs in that and Enya and all of that shit. 50% of it is choral music. also its not the best soundtrack/classical anyway. If you're gonna mention somethign like that then someone is bound to get snooty and tell you Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3 completely dominates everything on earth, and they'd be right. ...oh wait..I just did.
pelican...basically all they do is write 1 or 2 riffs..then stretch the fuckign thigns and repeat them over and over and over for 15 minutes at a time...its terrible and redundant.