5150 compared with pod, help with this mix

definately prefer the reamp. Much more crunch and bite to it but that comes with the territory of using a real amp. Not knocking Amp Sims in general, tis all I have to work with. Don't think my landlord and landlady would be too pleased about me micing up a real amp and cab up here!
No it's not the criminal. Cali D plate

The 2nd clip is actually pod. I think I actually have the gain set too high on the 5150 I'll try another reamp in a day or 2
I actually do like the smoothness of clip 1 better, but it sounds like you may want to adjust the miking a bit. The brightness of clip 2 fits the mix better, but the mids are all fucked up and there is no juice. What are the settings on the 5150? You may need more presence dialed in. How loud was it? What cab/speakers were used?
Jake, I couldnt agree more, what do you suggest with the mids on clip 2? I think the pod tone sounds flat and 2D ithe eq i have on is hi/lo filter cut at 4k and a -4db cut at 800hz im not really sure how to get it right.

The Amp was way over gained, using a marhsall 1960B cab.

And what do you mean by it has no juice?
Jake, I couldnt agree more, what do you suggest with the mids on clip 2? I think the pod tone sounds flat and 2D ithe eq i have on is hi/lo filter cut at 4k and a -4db cut at 800hz im not really sure how to get it right.

The Amp was way over gained, using a marhsall 1960B cab.

And what do you mean by it has no juice?

grab your eq. then cut around 1.0 and 2.0 db in 350hz not wide.
hey i tried the cut at 350hz i wouldnt say it really made the diffrence im looking for, thanks for the help though
what do you suggest with the mids on clip 2?

If clip 2 is the POD then I suggest you throw it away, don't worry about trying to make a sim sound good if you want to progress and get better.

the eq i have on is hi/lo filter cut at 4k and a -4db cut at 800hz im not really sure how to get it right.

Is this for the 5150 or for the Pod? Why don't you post a test mix with the 5150 reamps using just a HP at 80Hz and a LP at 10kHz and nothing else. We'll see what happens and take it from there.

What mics were on the Marshall cab? Was it boosted? Where are the knobs on the 5150?

what do you mean by it has no juice?

The key giveaway for a simulation is that it sounds like a static unchanging EQ curve with notes coming through, whereas a real amp is constantly changing. Clip 2 sounds static, has no juice or squeesh.
5150 reamp is MILES better, just needs to be dialed in a bit differently....

what'd you use for the bass grit dude? that shit is violent but in a very controlled way. me likey!!!
bass was a shitty ibanez bass used Pod on the bass tone actually, my own variation on Chimp spanners patch, and i split the them into 2 bass track the original then on the 2nd track i cut out everything below 800hz and blended it with the original