57 to 421 match eq


Aug 2, 2007
I just got an md421 mic which is amazing when used with a 57 for guitar cab.
I got the 2 as in phase as possible then used logic's match eq to see the differences. The 421 has about 5 db more at 50-150, a dip at 1.5k, a huge dip at 6k and 8k and a huge boost at 16k.
Here is a screen shot of the match eq

Here also is the match eq setting if anyone using logic wants to turn their 57 into a 421. Wouldn't be exactly the same as using the actual mic but it's not too far out. Could be handy if you are micing with 2 57s and want it sound more like a 57/421 pair. Download the pst file then open it through logic's match eq plugin to use.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2133088/57 to 421.pst

The track used to make the match eq is esp m1 ntb to ts808 to mesa tr to mesa 412 os.
There's a weird harsheness in the top end of 421s on guitar cabs (in my experience) which I thought I would "see" in your graph. I don't think it's the 16k though. Hmmm. Anyway, thanks! Very interesting.
you should remember there is way more to a mic's character than its "eq curve". pretty pointless trying to match them with eq.

Of course.
I only did this to see the different freq responses out of curiosity.
The mic positions were not exactly the same but, as I said, I matched phase as closely as possible (by sending pink noise to the amp and reversing phase on the 57 then swept with shure isolation phones until I found the lowest signal.)
Sound awesome together when they are in phase.