Anyone know the mics used on various commercial drum samples?


Dec 21, 2007
The mic list for Superior 2.0 was posted over at the Toontrack boards and it made me curious about what was used on other samples. It's a good way to get an idea on how absurdly expensive mics sound.

Here is the Superior 2.0 list (which is exactly the setup I usually use :lol:)


Neve 8068


KickIn: AudioTechnica AE 2500 A -> Pulteq MEQ-5 -> GML EQ 8200
KickIn: AudioTechnica AE 2500 B -> Pulteq -MEQ5 -> LA2A
KickOut: U47 FET -> Neve EQ ->
KickSub: Yamaha NS10 -> Neve EQ
SnareTop: Shure SM56 -> Pulteq EQP
SnareBottom: AKG 451 -> Neve EQ
Tom1: Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ
Tom2: Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ
Tom3: Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ
Tom4: Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ
Tom5: Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ
Hihat : AKG 451 -> Neve EQ
OH: AKG 460 -> Neve EQ
AMB Close: Neumann KM54 -> Neve 33609 Compressor
AMB Mid: Coles -> SSL Compressor
AMB Far: Neumann U87 -> LA-3A
AMB Mono: Brauner VMA -> Trowbridge preamp -> Trowbridge Comp
AMB Bullet : Bulletmic -> Johnson Compressor
IIRC, the yamaha subkick was originally made out of extra NS-10 cones...not 100% sure on that one, though

and i'm also pretty sure that the "bullet" mic is one of those silly-looking harmonica mics that shure makes

anyways, some of the stuff on the list is sort of surprising...i would've figured them to have used something more "high end" for the OH's - but hey, whatever works