6 tom drum sample help....


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
OK our drummer has 6 toms and all samples i have already are only like 3-4 toms.

I was gonna sample his kit but i have low grade preamps (behringer) and he is not gonna be able to buy new heads :mad: So I'm looking for an easy way out. I'm thinking of buying a program like toontracks stuff and using there drum samples.

Any idea's or help please????

Oh yea i was gonna remove his bottom heads when he records and stick Mic in drum that way to use for a trigger signal. Good or bad idea?? I can pretty much cut most of the drums out buy cutting all the low freq in overheads right??

sorry I'm attempting real drums for my first time :goggly:
Tell him it's more impressive when a drummer rocks out on a 4 piece than a 8 piece. Hopefully he'll get the picture and lose a few toms.

If you have drumagog you don't need remove the bottom heads at all and I don't even think it's a good idea. You can just clone the track and use that if you really need to.

Even if you filter out below like 600hz in your overheads you will still have some drums in your mics but it will help a lot. I usually don't do this but you can. I rely on the overhead mics and the room mic for a lot of my drum sound though.

I've personally never used Behringer stuff but I know a lot of local FOH guys who do. There stuff dosen't sound bad but they also have tons of experience. If you've never even tried recording a drum set with your setup, maybe you should. Maybe you can get a great sound from it. As long as your drummer is very good, I think that's the most important factor.
well there is a few factors why i really wanna just replace drums with samples.

1. don't have enough good Mic's for all the drums

2. our practice room sounds like ass

3. Drummer is buying new cymbals and is short on cash to buy all new skins

I'm worried about having problems with bleed from other drums when using Mic's to trigger drumagog. Last time i recorded my drum set for fun i was having problems with this. I fugued since I'm replacing drums anyway i could just remove bottom skin and stick Mic in the drum and eliminate bleed all together and get good solid triggers in drumagog!!
Is it out of the question to ask the drummer to use less toms then? That seems like it would work out the easist, espicailly if the dude is in your band.

One of the first bands I recorded around 5 years ago had a 10 piece (I only had 12 inputs) and since I was just starting out I was in the same position as you, except I didn't even have Drumagog. I had to explain to the drummer the situation and he ended up playing on my Sonor 5 piece instead. I went to their CD release about 4-5 months after that, guess what? Drummer was using a DW 5 piece and had sold his old kit.

I've never had much trouble with getting Drumagog to trigger as long as everything was mic'ed up well, but maybe if you are just replacing 100% that will help, I've never tried though.
By the way, if your practice room "sounds like ass", I would seriously considering maybe finding a living room with hardwood floors and moving some of the furniture out to record drums.

Even if you do replace all the toms 100%, your overheads depend greatly on the room. It dosen't matter if your drummer has great cymbals and you play in a terrible room.