My drum pics and samples from a Pearl Master Set


Oct 31, 2005
Well, prior to me actually recording our full lenght CD......I sampled our drummer's kit.



I'm running:

-2 Meek Jm27 Overheads - DMP3 Preamp
-SM57 on snare
-CAD toms mics
-CAD412 kick mic - blended 50% with Andy's Kick sample
-Audix i5 on ride

CHeck our this sample mix and tell me yall think, and if I need to change anything please.:worship:

p.s. also, note the "custom" tom mic clamps!! :loco:
1. yes the drummer made the hits.

2. I have no idea what that "preverb is". could be noise from kick pedal ??

3. yes, those are old drum sticks used with ducktape for mic clamps. Broke nigs must improvise.

4. and actually....the kit plays pretty smooth.....sitting that low and everything.

So, are there any adjustments I should make before tracking? Or do you guys think this will work ok ?:hotjump:
i would change the angle on that snare so that more powerful, solid hits will be possible and do something with that window shade. i would move the OH mics too... angle the capsules away from the snare and towards the cymbals.
It's hard to tell from the pictures but it looks like the kit is set up in a corner. I would move it farther away from the walls, if your room has enough space to do so. If your room is small, try to set it up so it's at an equal distance between the walls. This will help with your overheads. I would also suggest lowering the OHs a bit if your room is small so the direct sound of the cymbals beats the reflections from the walls.

I agree with what everyone has said about the angle of the snare. Some drummers set up this way because it makes it easier to play fast fills. But a drummer can't hit the snare with anywhere near the power that is possible with it set up level. Having solid snare hits during the beats of the song is way more important than fast fills.

On the other hand, changing the drummers setup drastically right before beginning a recording might not be a good idea. It may be too difficult an adjustment to make. Try it and find out. However it works out, in the future the drummer should become accustomed to playing with the snare level. He'll make much better recordings that way.

The kick and snare sound workable even though the snare head looks beat from the picture. I like to start with a new snare head at least and all new heads at best. I'd try treating the toms a little bit more. There's a lot of variance between the tone and ring between them. Maybe a little dampening on the second rack tom. But tuning should be able to fix it, if it's not a 13".

Have a good session.
ytrehalf said:
It's hard to tell from the pictures but it looks like the kit is set up in a corner. I would move it farther away from the walls, if your room has enough space to do so. If your room is small, try to set it up so it's at an equal distance between the walls.

:yuk: No way !!! Don't put it in the center of the room.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
:yuk: No way !!! Don't put it in the center of the room.

I didn't say to put the kit in the center of the room. I suggested that if the room is small to put the kit at equal distance between the walls, meaning the walls on either side of the kit. It doesn't make sense to have the hat closer to a wall than the ride or vice versa in a small room. But if I had to choose because of a room being very small, I would put the hat further from the wall.

I also noticed that in the picture, it looks like the kit is facing a wall. I would turn it around if that's the case. But again, I can't tell from the picture how small the room is. Perhaps it's set up that way because there's another wall the same distance from the back of the kit.

BTW, Brett - K A L I S I A, I thought your thread on recording drums has a lot of useful information. I respect anyone who shares their recording and mixing knowledge with others who are starting out.
ytrehalf said:
Perhaps it's set up that way because there's another wall the same distance from the back of the kit.

yes.......the whole kit is somewhat center of the room.

and, I will move the Overhead mics to more resemble that pic I see there, and give that a try.
The kick sounds alright, but everything else is pretty weak. The snare in particular needs a lot of work. I can't see the picture, so it's hard to make suggestions in that respect.

edit: Nevermind, I see it now.