6 years too late, you fucking faggots!

Personally I am fine with it where it is. I believe that by 21 you (should) know enough to drink in moderation, for the most part. And drinking moderately shouldn't harm the brain very much at all.
25 would be much better than 21. By 25 people start to mature more. But then you have people who are mature at 18. I think alcohol should be sold at how mature and responsible the person is.
Drinking age in Aus is 18. But lowering it anywhere is a bad idea imo. There will suddenly be this raft of people legally old enough to drink and in the short term it would create an enormous amount of problems socially.

It would have to be a 3 year phased in process tbh. That is - lowering it by 1 year each year, to minimise social problems.
I don't think there should be any laws governing the purchase of alchohol. Anyone who wants drink usually gets to drink in America in the first place. The law does little to stop that, however, I don't condone the things alchohol can cause and has caused.
Personally I am fine with it where it is. I believe that by 21 you (should) know enough to drink in moderation, for the most part. And drinking moderately shouldn't harm the brain very much at all.

Yeah, if people obeyed the 21 law.
And it's true, drinking in moderation isn't a big deal.
Too bad nobody really does that.
My belief on this is the same with prostitution, its more fucked up if its illegal. In Vegas the whores don't get themselves beaten up and don't get a shitload of std's, because since its legal it is done with more care.

Something dangerous only becomes more dangerous if its illegal.
I agree that the age should go down incrementally, in case things go terribly wrong (unlikely) when the age is lowered from 21 to 20. 19 might be good, because it still restricts high schoolers from drinking, but allows almost everyone in college to, and there's so little to stop them anyway.

I think the best course of action is to allow drinking in bars at 18, and allow purchase at liquor stores at 21. Hopefully 18-year-olds would pick up better drinking habits at bars, where the expense of booze would limit quantity, rather than when they buy a cube of Icehouse and try to drink it as fast as possible to avoid being busted. I generally observe much more responsible drinking at bars vs. parties.
When I first read the title of this thread, I thought it was going to be about the U.S. withdrawing from Iraq.

Then I snapped out of it.

But I'm 21. So to all you minors; fight the good fight!