6 years too late, you fucking faggots!

or more jailbait with fake ids...:kickass:
or more jailbait with fake ids...:kickass:

The one on the left (I mean my left) is definitely pedo material (and by that I mean obviously too young). But the one on the right would probably actually fool me after I'd had a few pints. That's scary shit. You wake up in the morning, and she's fuckin' calling her mom for a ride home. Damn.
lol, definitely no pedo

i just love seeing kids get involved in the music scene. its good for them, and the scene
hehe, they do it in england alot. according to my buddy who was stationed there.

as long as they dont make asses out of themselves, theyre allowed to stay
I'd like to see it go down to 18 or 19. 19 makes sense because that way seniors in high school can't supply their younger friends.

Drinking age is 18 in Québec (where I'm from) and I believe 19 in the rest of Canada.
It's 18 in Albert too I think

I don't see why anyone would be against this, though I can't argue for it either. I don't think it really matters what age is "allowed" since it is UBER unenforced.
It just makes it impossible to go to bars and harder to buy alcohol. I think a lot of people our age are responsible enough. It works well enough in Canada which is very close culturally to the US (Toronto at least).

I agree that the age should go down incrementally, in case things go terribly wrong (unlikely) when the age is lowered from 21 to 20. 19 might be good, because it still restricts high schoolers from drinking, but allows almost everyone in college to, and there's so little to stop them anyway.

I think the best course of action is to allow drinking in bars at 18, and allow purchase at liquor stores at 21. Hopefully 18-year-olds would pick up better drinking habits at bars, where the expense of booze would limit quantity, rather than when they buy a cube of Icehouse and try to drink it as fast as possible to avoid being busted. I generally observe much more responsible drinking at bars vs. parties.
I think this is a decent idea, although I think lowering to 18/19 in general is a little more feasible. It's harder to get dangerously drunk at a bar

For some reason I can't imagine 18 year olds going to bars. It would be so feckin' weird.
It happens all the time here. It's not that weird. Maybe you'll be able to sleep with a hot older women :kickass:
I think alcohol should be sold at how mature and responsible the person is.

:lol: Yeah that would certainly works...I'm sure everybody will like to answer a questionnaire and meet with a psychologist in order to determine their maturity level when they want to purchase alcohol.

Anyway, while I've never experimented the 21 years old limit I've never thought 18 was too young. It seemed to work well in Québec when I was there. I was going to bars when I was 18 (wow I can barely remember that time, I feel old) and there wasn't anything special because most of the people at some bars were around 18...I'm sure it looked like any bars with mostly 21 years old people in attendance.

Really there's always going to be irresponsible people from all ages. There's 18 years old that will refuse to even have 1 drink if they drive and you have 54 years old guys that have been caught 10 times driving under the incluence before they finally kill someone. Responsability and maturity doesn't always come with age. I highly doubt anything drastic would really change besides that the bars might have a slightly younger clientele.

If you can do porn at 18 why wouldn't you be allowed to be drunk while doing it... :p
Aw shit, drop that drinking age down to 18 and watch DUI's SKYROCKET!!!!!!!!!!! Death's on the highway will increase as well, mark my words.

Having said that, I firmly believe that if Uncle Sam can send you to detonate IED's in Afghanistan, he sure as SHIT can allow you beer when you're home.