6505+ 112 is too directional!

Teabag Jones

New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2011
Hey guys, I've been reading the forums for a while. This is the first question I have that I haven't found answered in someone else's thread.

I've got a Peavey 6505+ 112 combo, and I love pretty much everything about it other than the cleans (obviously) and the directionally focused sound! When I first got the amp, we couldn't figure out why we couldn't hear it while we were jamming; it was plenty loud, but almost inaudible at the same time. PArt of it was EQ, for sure, but with a little experimenting we realized that the sound doesn't come out in a cone shape, it's like a laser beam. Even from BIG distances - I can stand forty or fifty feet away from the amp, and it doesn't sound too loud, until I put my head directly in line with the speaker. Then it sounds LOUD and clear. The thing's a friggin death star. A perfect cylinder of sound comes out, that doesn't expand in diameter with distance. I even swapped out the stock sheffield for a V30 (it sounds WAY better), but it's still a laser. Is this normal? Has anyone else had a similar experience? If not, what can I do?

I read this post again real quick, and I feel that I need to emphasize that this is an abnormal amount of directional focusing. I've played through a lot of different amps and combos (never another 6505+, though), and this is definitely FAR more focused than anything I've ever heard.