6505 2x12 combo: unkooking speakers to run only the ext cabinet


New Metal Member
Mar 17, 2010
Hi guys,

my first 3d despite I've been reading you for quite some time

Mine is a quick easy question, I'm about to reamp some guitars using a 6505 2x12 combo, usually I plug in a Marshall 1960 to the extension cabinet output and put the peavey on top of it, then mic the Marshall.
Thing is, it's kind of a pain because i don't have the possibility to tweak the amp from the control room and every time you go in the reamp room your ears are pretty much fried for the day, second I feel like the Peavey running on top of the Marshall (since the extension cab is much lower in volume than the combo speakers themselves) kinda messes with the tone a bit even if it's not mic'ed.

So bottom line, I was thinking about unhooking the combo speakers and run only the 1960 from the ext output (which for what I know also cuts the power down to 30watts, someone can confirm this?)

Question is, if I unhook the combo speakers and run only the ext cab, will I fry the xformer?? Do I need something like a hotplate before unhooking the speakers or as long as the ext cab is plugged I'm ok?

Thanks for your help!
Found the answer, the 212 has a jack where the drivers are hooked, unscrewing the back panel where the tubes are let you access to it, unplug that and plug your fav cabinet and you have pretty much a standalone head, plus the ext output remains available so you can also plug another cab in there. Just saying in case someone else can use the info
