6505+ Problem


May 19, 2008
i did search the forum and i found few similar problems with 6505+ but not exactly the same as mine.


after regular procedure of powering the amp, it goes on OK, and after a while (10-15 min) sound disappears. only low level noise is present. stand by and power leds both stay on.
i tried connecting preamp out and it works. which leads me to believe that something is wrong with the power tubes. i had a look at them and i could tell that the first tube from the left has a stronger glow than the others.
if i switch the amp completely off and leave it like that for few minutes and turn it ON again it works fine for few more minutes. and then the same problem happens.
it was manufactured in 2007 and previous owner did not use it a lot. i have for like 4 months I suspect that tubes have not been changed ever.

is it going to be OK if I buy 2 x matched pair of tubes, instead of matched quartet? and put 2 matched tubes in inner and 2 in outer positions? i live in a shit hole where we do not have stores selling matched quartets...

many thanks
TNX man,
I cheched the prices but the customs duties in my country are just ridicilous.
so the bottom line is way more than i would pay here.