66 reasons why i hate winter and fall

Reasons why Oyo likes winter

1)It's less humid
2)Less humidity= hair doesn't go crazy
3)I love the fresh, cold air
4)I can open my window and let in that air
5)Listening to atmospheric music while that air circulates into my room
6)I can wear longsleeve shirts all the time
7)I rarely sweat
8)I am more happy in the winter
9)Summer is the opposite of Winter, and I was so fucking unhappy and depressed in the summer, that logically i'll be so happy and joyful in the winter
10)It's not summer
11)Winter break off school
15)Opeth will probably tour in the winter
16)My birthday is in December
17)Everyone whines about it being cold, and I appreciate it :)
18)I don't have to waste gas by running the A/C in my car
19)Life seems better in the winter
20)Family visits
that was pretty funny... but i hate winter for most of the same reasons. i like being with family and gifts and stuff... :[ i like fall though... and you're in georgia.. think of the people in scandanavia. they get like 4 hours (or none) of sunshine a day for a few weeks in the winter and its hell of a lot colder.
I dress up like a troll and dance in the snow, its fucking tr00! and YES we do get snow in Texas, but only in the really TR00, Grim, AND NECRO areas.
Originally posted by Silent Downfall
lordenlil: shut up whiner
desecrated: get a job
downfall: you're stupid
trapped: whiner you're gay shut up
thanotos: i'm smart and conceited so shut up whine-boy

if i missed anyone feel free to go ahead and post if you have that much time on your hands.

For the record, I wasn't going to say anything bad about you. If I don't like a topic, I just don't post in it... I don't care enough to go into a heated debate on how much it 'sucks'. I've only argued with you over stealing Opeth's music.
I hate many of the things SD said earlier (especially seeing all those happy cupples :mad: ) but I really like the cold that comes with winter since LA is a fucking oven, especially during summer. To make matters worse, I burn very easilly. A couple of minutes in the sun makes me a tomato.
The only thing I hate about fall is the wind. The really annoying wind that blows leaves all over the place (and your hair as well).

I don't mind the darkness, and there's no such thing as cold weather - only wrong kind of clothing. :)

There's nothing I hate about winter. A winter morning, mild -5 Centigrades, sun glistening on pure white snow - what a nice scenario.
I love fall -- not so much winter because of the wind and cold. But I love when the air is crisp and cool. Today was fantastic -- felt like fall finally. And I went to the mall this evening and I got excited and happy because it felt like Christmas. :p October is the start of three months of joy and anticipation for me -- first Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Xmas, then New Years. Wooooohoooooo! I love going to football games (even though I don't like the actual sport, lol), going to craft fairs, going on hayrides, carving pumpkins, crunching over leaves, driving out to the mountains for spectacular views, and everything else that goes along with fall! Oh my god, I'm getting all sappy. :lol:
you forgot the part about having a super crunching case of morning wood, and the need to take a killer piss, coupled with being able to see your own breath and the inability to leave the comfortable environs of your bed....
Wellington, NZ, has 24/7 crap weather no matter what the season. I don't think I would be able to handle a place with good weather, it wouldn't feel like home.

Reasons I like winter -
1) Snowboarding season!!
-The only reason you need.
I love fall and winter. The past few days here it has been colder and raining, and I love it. It's just so much more appealing to me than summer...I can't wait for this winter. This area is projected to get 4 feet of snow, and I've never been around snow much. I can't wait. :D