66 reasons why i hate winter and fall

fall/winter is definately my favorite time it is just perfect, but really I like all of the seasons

Originally posted by Black Heart
Winter rules.
Rain rules.
I love winter.
I want rain.
It almost rained yesterday. ALMOST. :(

you would definately love oregon then, practically rains half of the time

and yeah SD alsmost all of those reasons you put down in that list is why I love fall/winter
Winter rocks. It gives me an excuse why I'm not outside playing beach volleyball or shit like that. :D

I like winter. Ever been in snowy woods in a winternight? That's not only tr00, it's also a great feeling. And the air is so much better in winter... Besides that, skiing/snowboarding is (almost) only possible in winter.
your way to fuckin negative SD. you sound like a person that something bad has happened to so therefore hates all happy people because he cannot have what they have. a little bit of jelousy. oh well, keep living your life in misery.

Cant wait for christmas. i love that time of year. always have, always will.
Damn, it should snow in England this year...London especially, but it wont :(

Though if it did, it would be wicked. I'd put Immortal on real loud so I could hear it outside, and then if no one was in, I'd have an air guitar/ headbanging session in the garden.

Also, when it gets really dark, you could light some candles, and stick Darkthrone on...ooohh creepy stuff. I reckon that would be the idea way to listen to Darkthrone!

Then erm..."Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" during a thunderstorm...wow. I think Opethiansoul posted about him listening to "Anthems..." on the balcony during a thunderstorm. That would just be...wow!!!

Ok, what could we have for Mayhem...hmmm...erm...AH HA!!! During a full moon near Halloween stick "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" on..."FOLLOW THE FREEZING MOOOOON"!!!!!!....or even better, as near Christmas day as possible :lol:

I'll let the rest of you think about when to play Marduk, Burzum, Dark Funeral and, and...all the others that have escaped me for the time being.
geez i was just kidding with the "you people are too happy."

Well i didnt really mean it for when you said that. i was reffering to your original post. how you say you hate the holidays because people are happy. i dont know about you, but i like it when people are happy. its better that way.
Yeah, I say you should stop being unhappy SD. You seem to let yourself get down too easily. I bet theres nothing in your life which is really worth getting depressed over. Its just you you must always want to let yourself get down, I think you must consciously do so and deny it to yourself that your actually letting yourself get depressed for no particular reason.

My two cents.
I love all seasons:

Summer - I like to sweat
Fall - I love crisp air
Winter - snow, snow, snow (although it's been a little light over the past few years)
Spring - winter does wear on you, so Spring is a great bridge to summer
One of the main reasons I love winter stems from childhood. Whenever the moon is out it reflecting off the snow, it stays just light enough to be able to play, some of my fondest memories are playing with friends late at night in the snow.
Originally posted by Silent Downfall
well maybe you are just sad.

there is a difference between being sad and being depressed. dont you guys know anythign about depression? it's not soemthing you control.

I have no particular desire to turn this into another discussion about how depressed you are SD.

So I say this: