7/21 9:30 Club Opeth/PorcupineTree

The 9:30 club is fucking gay. They charge $8 for parking (which is actually necessary, park on the street if you want but don't cry when your car gets broken into), the security are dickheads and way too strict, but other than that it's good. I still avoid going there whenever possible.
godmachine12 said:
I'll be there. Wasn't gonna get to go, but I'm off work now so I'm there. It's a pretty good drive for me. A little over 6 hours, but it's worth it. How is that 9:30 club? Their website is useless.
What Izzy said about parking is true, but there isn't a bad view in the house.
Izzy Junior said:
The 9:30 club is fucking gay. They charge $8 for parking (which is actually necessary, park on the street if you want but don't cry when your car gets broken into), the security are dickheads and way too strict, but other than that it's good. I still avoid going there whenever possible.

i have never paid for parking and have always parked in the side road next to the club and never have had a problem with my car. they do have an undercover security guard patroling around the block constantly and the club security is not as bad as some say.
blahness said:
i have never paid for parking and have always parked in the side road next to the club and never have had a problem with my car. they do have an undercover security guard patroling around the block constantly and the club security is not as bad as some say.

Yeah it is. I saw SJR once, they allowed cameras on that tour, but one of the people who worked there gave me shit for it.

Fuck any place in DC.
Actually I on an impulse before work today ordered two tickets for me and my ex to go see them though I just saw them in NYC.

As for DC.. yes it sucks but I've always parked on the street for shows and never had a problem.. but I hate driving in DC.


P.S. Herald (Dan) if you want to go try to get in touch with me man by tomorrow.
AfAiRJudgEmenT said:
wow, 6 hours to see Opeth, that's pretty hardcore.

I saw them last night in Philly, for me to go to DC would be about 4 hours, I was contemplating but I know that's a reach...

We drove 9 hours to Cleveland in January to see them :Smug:
And we're doing it again in....2 days!!!! :Spin:

man, kudos to you, I hope you enjoy every millisecond :D

The only thing is if I start following Opeth around when will it end, they are like some sweet drug that if you have too much of you don't know when to stop.

Simply. Awesome.
AfAiRJudgEmenT said:
man, kudos to you, I hope you enjoy every millisecond :D

The only thing is if I start following Opeth around when will it end, they are like some sweet drug that if you have too much of you don't know when to stop.

Simply. Awesome.

:D Thank you, and I did/will.

And I know what you mean...totally