7/23/03 Superjoint Nofolk Va


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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Wow, a fucking night to remember, the first two bands sucked epoxy and full blown chaos, but iw as deifnlty willing to wait. well the stage was set and all that shit but it took like an extra half hour for SJR to come out, i was like goddamnit come the fuck on. but they came out and a dude threw a conferderate flag on stage and phil rapped it around himself, and everyone went berserk. But they opened with goddamn The Alchoholik and man the place went insane. They kept going and ripped through killer songs like, fuck your enemy, it takes no guts, everyone hates everyone, 4 songs, and some songs off the new cd that was good. Well this was the craziest show ive ever seen, i thought hatebreed/biohazard/slayer were nuts, but this show was brutal, some of the worst stuff ever happend to me here, i got the wind knocked out of me cause someone hit me in the stomach like a mother fucker and i didnt see who it was, and near the end someone punched me and the throat like a mother fucker and i missed them too, defintly insane as a mother fucker. Well they closed with a song i dont remembr, i was like WOO HOO HELL YEAH, so i went to the bar to get some water and me and my freind were giggling and ranting like little school girls, then they walked back on stage, i was like YO TENDER CANCEL THAT, ran out and they started playing ozena...........what a classic to close with. Place went crazy when song got cranked up, so much adrenaline and raw emotion running through the crowd. but they closed and it was awesome, i went the car to get my cds for them to sign. so we waited for like 10 mins and they came out, got them all to sign my inserts on my cd(except fucking phil who never came out) and i stole a J off the markee and go tthe band (- phil) to sign it, im getting that shit framed, but you know luckily for me i wasent there to see phil all the way although he put on an awesome show, i really enjoy the 4 other members so much more, fazio, bond, bower, and willams are fucking awesome and nice to talk to. Also there was this one fat bitch talking shit after the show like "OOH ILL SIGN YOUR STUFF, THEY ARENT GODS, WHY DOES EVERYONE CARE" talking to everyone like that, i was like ok i dont give a fuck, but jimmy bower was signing my insert and she started acting like she was signing, i said "hey bitch get the fuck off" and she promptly backed the fuck up, then she talked shit from a distance and then i made her shut up and leave by doing "HEY BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET EVERYONE OUT HERE HAVE A GOOD GODDAMN TIME AND DONT TRY TO RUIN IT" yeah people like that are the scum of the goddamn earth,

show rating 9 out of............ 5 stars