7 + 8 String guitar luthiers worldwide.


Teh Shredz0r
Jun 12, 2006
Hey all,

First off, I'm new here and I'd like to say "hey." - Hey.

Second, I'm assuming there are some 7 string nuts on this forum and I'm one myself, but I also want an 8 string to use for some songs. Does anyone know of the some really great custom luthiers/small companies building these babies? Something with a reasonable price ($4000-5000) AUD max... I doubt I would get one for this price but I'm not the sorta guy to go for piezo and extra crap. Just the guitar and some basic wiring does me!!!

Any help is greatly appreciated...

Scott Davis.

- Oh yeah! Steve Smyth FUCKING RULES!!! Very sad news about his illness though but I'm sure all will be good very soon!
There are many small builders that do 8s, as well as a rumoured production verison of Dino Cazares' Ibanez 8.

For a bunch of good discussion of 7, 8, 9, and even further extended range instruments (one regular plays an 8 octave, 12 string instrument), try here. Mostly seven stringers, but a lot of other weirdos, too. ;)

You also might want to look on eBay - 8s pop up occasionally, including the Oni 8 string that's up there now.
Wow, more posts!

Thanks for the links guys. I'm getting ideas of pricing now. Looking good too!

I think I'm going to go with a local woodworker I know though. Fully custom design I'm working on he said he can do (he's had over 50 years woodworking and carpentry experience so I hope it turns out OK!)

Cheers guys, and keep those links comin' if you think of any other luthiers, because the guitar I'm having made locally will be a 7 string, and I'd still like to get an 8 string at a later date.
