7 Minutes Melodeath Epic (X50)(East West)(TSE BOD)

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I just finished a 7 hour mixing session of a single my "solo" project. I need some advice on this mix. Its very dense and there is alot going on so any help would be awesome. Once i have a final i will post stems for you guys to mix. There are no vocals on it yet.

Guitars were X50
Bass was BOD
Drums were superior
Orchestra was east west FREE play edition

Thanks for any advice

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2113488/Over Water Full Updated Mix 1.mp3
Yes yes yes yes yes! Fantastic stuff man! Can't wait to get the stems for this.

The mix is great, but I was expecting the heavy part to come in, and it actually sounded softer than the intro. I guess that's a job for mastering but what I mean as well is that the intro sounded fuller with the bass from all the acoustic instruments. When the heavier stuff came in, everything was clear and well defined, but in contrast it sounded thinner. Guitars might be lacking a tad of presence or something.

Other than that, fantastic job! Composition and mix.
love the acoustic guitars at the beginning (any tips for us?)!! Sadly the heavy guitars are not as great as the first ones, it's sad 'cause it's a really great composition!
I got my EastWest stuff installed on the new OS now and I really wanna do something like this.
I do think your mix needs some more power, everything sounds very 1-dimensional, like the old Kalmah stuff (not saying thats bad though).
Its very defined, but not very powerfull.
I also feel like you didn't use the stereospace the god of sound supplied you with to full extend.

/EastWest is boss.
There were a few notes that actually sounded out of tune (or, well, wrong notes, although "wrong" shouldn't be used in music, ever) on the bass. But consider having the bass follow the guitars to get a fuller sound (of course, you're the artist, so you decide what's best).

Is it a real bass? Or pitch-shifted guitar? Sounds like guitar, if it's a bass maybe retrack with new strings?

I find the low end really lacking. The guitars sound good but the bass (and maybe more importantly, the bass drum) are lacking. Everything is very nice and clear, but a bit too much so.

Also, maybe turn the acoustic guitars down a little? They sound awesome, but the heavy guitars sound weak in comparison.

Oh, and the song is great (except for the weird bass), this will have vocals eventually? I'd really like to hear it with them :)
Sorry i haven't answered any of you, i have been busy with work.

Yes yes yes yes yes! Fantastic stuff man! Can't wait to get the stems for this.

The mix is great, but I was expecting the heavy part to come in, and it actually sounded softer than the intro. I guess that's a job for mastering but what I mean as well is that the intro sounded fuller with the bass from all the acoustic instruments. When the heavier stuff came in, everything was clear and well defined, but in contrast it sounded thinner. Guitars might be lacking a tad of presence or something.

Other than that, fantastic job! Composition and mix.

Thanks for the compliments! I fixed the intro being not powerful enough with the distortion guitars. Also tried eq'ing the guitars a bit

love the acoustic guitars at the beginning (any tips for us?)!! Sadly the heavy guitars are not as great as the first ones, it's sad 'cause it's a really great composition!

All i did for the acoustic guitars was mic my acoustic with an AKG perception 220 condenser and then from there just try and get as close to the acoustic tone on Belakor' song "Husks". It doesn't sound the same but it sent me in the right direction.

I got my EastWest stuff installed on the new OS now and I really wanna do something like this.
I do think your mix needs some more power, everything sounds very 1-dimensional, like the old Kalmah stuff (not saying thats bad though).
Its very defined, but not very powerfull.
I also feel like you didn't use the stereospace the god of sound supplied you with to full extend.

/EastWest is boss.

East West is the tits! I only have the free play version but its miles ahead of REASON which is what i used to use. Everything sounds super sterile and I can't figure it out for the life of me. I am suck

There were a few notes that actually sounded out of tune (or, well, wrong notes, although "wrong" shouldn't be used in music, ever) on the bass. But consider having the bass follow the guitars to get a fuller sound (of course, you're the artist, so you decide what's best).

Is it a real bass? Or pitch-shifted guitar? Sounds like guitar, if it's a bass maybe retrack with new strings?

I find the low end really lacking. The guitars sound good but the bass (and maybe more importantly, the bass drum) are lacking. Everything is very nice and clear, but a bit too much so.

Also, maybe turn the acoustic guitars down a little? They sound awesome, but the heavy guitars sound weak in comparison.

Oh, and the song is great (except for the weird bass), this will have vocals eventually? I'd really like to hear it with them :)

I know what notes you are talking about. My bassist and I like when the bass once in a while kinda does its own thing but a few notes came out wrong. I spent today getting a new bass tone so hopefully it sounds much better.
I like the overall composition.

I second the problem of having too awesome intro guitars. It happened once for me too. I'd say a good way to solve it would be by having the acoustic guitars disappear long time begore the disto ones come. For example when the orchestration gets in, have them disappear and emphasize more on the orchestral part and the drums, cause even them are too weak compared to the guitars, I would love the toms being more boomy and powerful. The second mix is an improvement though. Maybe the guitars are too dry or too thin for the compo ? It seems to my hear it could benefit from being reamped or at least doubled with another more marshallesque sound, this sounds obvious for me when comes the little "heavy" palm mute breakdown riff some time to time, it doesn't sound as huge as it could be.

Just another thought : your bends are out of tune (for my ears), it's like you get to the bent note but the bend itself is so long my ears assimilate this as out of tune.

That's just suggestion, cause all and all it sounds pretty nice actually ! It's just criticism for improvement, I have pleasure listening to that until the end which is rare when I listen to stems here ! So good job !

I'm not surprised you like Insomnium. I can see a little influence here ! and BTW, "equivalence" is one of the most epic opening songs in the genre I've ever heard. Gives me shivers fucking each time !