7 strings, novelty, shite or the best thing ever?

Originally posted by Extortae
I've never played a 7-string...I'm wondering for those who play 7-strings...how often do you use the B and E strings?

Varies a lot, sometimes I quite like using the lower strings for bass lines over chords, which can be fun, other times just use the low B for impact while riffing of the E (you've got this sweet riff and then BOOOM! throw in some low note, basically using it as a standard tuned 6 with an extra low string), then other times play the low B as you would on a normal 6 (by looking at it as a 6string with an extra high string (the high E), use it to enrich chords (a D/Dm sounds fat if you add the D root on the low B) and just for extended runs while soloing and stuff. Then you can just use the lot for playing on, Tons of things to do with, depends how you approach it :)
I think that they can be usefull if they're used in a functional way, but they can be a novelty just like anything else if they're just used gratuitously because you see someone else use it and copy them.

Some friends of mine are in a grindcore/death metal band and use them in a pretty functional way. 2 guitarists playing 7 strings, no bassist and a drummer who plays double bass with triggers and a midi processor/power amp with 2 15" speaker cabs for clarity and depth on the kick. So they get a pretty huge sound as a 3 piece...it works for them.

Also, you can play a 7 string and not use the b string, you still have a functional guitar tuned to standard e if you don't and you can always move down just as a way to broaden your pallete musically.