7-strings on EOR?


Anonymous Coward

I'm confused, on the interview with WD he said they weren't using sevens anymore, but it REALLY sounds like they are. I really like the low sound from DHIADW, and i hoped it would return.
or it could be a baritone

That Flying V Loomis got is very nice. He has an awesome girlfriend (I believe that's who gave it to him)
Anonymous Coward said:
I'm confused, on the interview with WD he said they weren't using sevens anymore, but it REALLY sounds like they are. I really like the low sound from DHIADW, and i hoped it would return.

He said that Jeff uses a six-stringed too.
I´m sure Jeff can´t stay away from his ESP H307.
Anyway,it`s a mix of both.
Looks to be a great year,this.A new NM CD,and some gigs in Sweden,finally.Whoa!


Hey,Rebirth!Wassup,old man?