Am I the only one who actually likes the production on EoR?


Oct 1, 2002
Rumson, NJ
Yes its on the muddy side. But to me, the production is loud, heavy, raw, and in your face.... It gives the heavy sections a really brutal feel (Ambivalent, for example)..... and the ballad sections like on Who Decides were mixed just right.... I think the sound fits for EoR, whereas the production fit perfectly for DHIADW (my fav. nevermore, with EoR being 2nd favorite).... I'm not one of those "the rawer the better" with production, I love great production and a lot of black metal sucks to me simply because of production..... but for some reason i feel the gritty and heavy production really works for EoR....
i thought the bad production kinda added to the heavyness of the album, made it sound good even though not arguing DNB production wouldn't have been nice
I like the production also, and I don't understand why everyone says it is that bad. Sounds fine to me.....

:lol: Yeah, I read that a loooonnngg time ago isabel. Still hilarious though. :lol:
i think eor rivals st anger as the biggest steaming pile of monkey crap ive ever heard. and while the songs on eor were perfect, the production really killed what they couldve been. i wish the neverboys would kidnap the producer of some of dimmus stuff for the next outing.
deathstrike from hell said:
i think eor rivals st anger as the biggest steaming pile of monkey crap ive ever heard. and while the songs on eor were perfect, the production really killed what they couldve been. i wish the neverboys would kidnap the producer of some of dimmus stuff for the next outing.
you obviously haven't heard Ulver's "Nattens Madrigal" or 95% of black metal bands out there.
Manumit said:
At first I was alittle disappointed with it, but after awhile I got used to it.
Well it was kinda crappy but trust me ive heard worse! Pearl Jams Binaural record had the worst production in the world...
(btw, this is Maharet im just too lazy to get my damn password and im at someone elses house..:p)