8 ch. MicPreamp, any suggestions??


Jun 20, 2007

Im about to do a serious upgrade on my studio gear.
I was thinking of getting the new Digi 003+ w. 8channels of mic pre's.
and i need to complement the 003 with an additonal 8 channels.

I was thinking of These different mic preamps :

Focusrite ISA 828
Audient ASP008.

Anyone out there that has any experiences of these to???
Is the focusrite worth the extra cash?? It's almost twice as expensive as the RME.
And i want top quality, i dont want to have make an upgrade when/or if i switch to ProT. HD.

I would appreciate any answers :)

CHeers / Christian
Audient ASP008. You can get the ADAT card with the pre and go into the 003 completely via ADAT. I have seen nothing negative about these pres except that they run hot.
Cant go wrong with any of them tbh. I like the switchable impedance feature on the ISA pre's. Soundwise I don't think there'll be a whole lotta difference between the 3 pre's as they're all pretty clean.
I would put the RME Octamic at the bottom of the list at least. Sure, they aren't terrible, but judging by the ones in the FF400/800, they aren't special either - assuming it's the same pres. The ISA stuff is great, haven't tried anything from Audient but I'm in the same boat as Blackest, I hear a lot of great things about them. I say Audient as well :p
